Info and forum posts by 'Martin Koss'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 7th May 2005, 05:58, Last used: Monday, 20th June 2011, 12:13

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: Just your average DVD Movie buff...

This user has posted a total of 4 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Reliable DVD-R Player Wanted

Ok so perhaps this issue has been covered before but I can`t find a good answer so I`m going to ask it...

I need a reliable DVD player (with suround sound) that will cope with DVD-Rs quite happily without skipping. I`ve had a Philips for a while and it will play anything you can throw at it but it`s in desperate need of putting out to retirement...

Budget up to £350.

I`ve bought expensive ones in the past, Sony etc., and none seem to last more than a couple of years so I`m not prepared to spend silly money again...

Any help would be great.

RE: Extended Warranties on plasma screens

My opinion on Plasmas...Yes, it`s probably the only bit of home kit that I would buy an extended warranty for - as I did. I paid £3k for my Plasma last year and since any honest sales person will admit that they simply do not know how long the screen will last (althouth they estimate 30,000 hours) and the last thing I want is a dead tv in 3 or 4 years...

If you`re getting a cheaper model, under a grand, say... I wouldn`t bother. But if you`re buying a good brand and paying a good money - I would say yes. Even though I hate the whole concept of extended warranties...

RE: dvd+r dl........burnt me first but £3.50 per go hmmmmm

I tried the Dual Layer route a while back with no success. Paid about £2.99 each and blew 4 of them on the first attempt to backup a movie. Out of the 4, only one will actually playback and that will only playback on the PC, not on any of my players.
I tried DVD Fab Platinum in Dual Layer mode - it failed with no details of the error.
Then I copied the whole disc to HD and tried a couple of other things but still no playing ANYWHERE - not even on the PC.
Then (using the copy stored on my HD) I dragged and dropped using Roxio Media Creator and that one will play on the PC...

So I now have a pack of 10 DL discs that I`m in no hurry to use as I find the 4.7 route far more reliable...


RE: Help! - DVD-R / +R compatable DVD player

Hi, I saw your post on DVD-Reviewer and wondered which model you ended up buying. I am in a similar dilema at the moment and need to buy a new player that will happily play DVD-Rs and (not as importantly) DVD+Rs.
