Info and forum posts by 'joel.c'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 22nd February 2000, 08:31, Last used: Tuesday, 22nd February 2000, 08:31

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: hello dvd peeps!
hitachi are s***e

This user has posted a total of 5 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

My Panny A360 is playing up.. anyone help?

basically it just doesnt read some discs, some of the time, which is really irritating. anyone got any ideas? its a good 4 years old but even so.. it was chipped when i bought it and plays all regions fine. lately however some discs it just wont play. after the thing has been on for a couple of hours and is hot it sometimes improves. could the laser have become mis-aligned or something? or is it something to do with the way some discs are produced?

RE: American Spring Break - When is it????? (help needed)

miami is the place to be, i can concur with that. i was there this year March (for the Winter Music Conference) and it was bang on spring break time so you get loads of top music AND lots of scantily clad young american lasses, oh and the beach, and the sun...... and all of that..... nice.... ;)

RE: Kill Bill to be split into two movies....

given that the title of this site is `dvd` reviewer.. i am surprised no-one has been more vocal about the issue of them releasing two different dvd`s....surely there must be some serious consequences if they try to fleece two dvd`s on us (for each version..) for a film that will still be less running time than any of the LOTR parts???
taking 15quid for each title is bad enough but then to make us pay 30 will be taking the p!55. surely its that kind of attitude that pushes people to piracy in the first place (not that i am condoning piracy at all.. but you have to think..)

RE: My 3yr old daughter touched my PC and......

LOL!!! ahmmm sorry.. but this post has just lightened up my entire day.. brilliant!

PAL 60 or NTSC?

apologies if this is something that has come up before but i cant find any reference to the problem with my tv...
my dvd outputs region1 in either pal 60 or ntsc and i have always had it setup on the ntsc setting with no problem....
however lately it has become noticable that on the tv (hitachi) the top part of the picture is slightly kinked all the way across.. but only for the ntsc pictures! normal tv and PAL dvds are fine??
Anyway if i change the setting on the dvd to output pal60 the picture is fine..
does anyone know why this would be happening?.. and whats the real difference between pal60 and ntsc (apart from no. of lines?).
thanks .. a novice!