Info and forum posts by 'THE REAL DEAL'

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Joined on: Friday, 1st April 2005, 05:27, Last used: Saturday, 21st October 2006, 18:35

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This user has posted a total of 221 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.03 messages a day, or 0.22 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: CD Radio Cassette on Buy today!

Everyone dissapeared,does anyone know if there are plans for kitkash 2007?.

RE: CD Radio Cassette on Buy today!

has everyone lost interest ?


Where has eveyone gone ?.Is it you Jez that knows how many more cars & holidays etc that there are to come?.It is obvious that everything is slowing down but there are still a few cars & holidays left arent there.

RE: Nestle - Wow - 3 DVDs on at the same time

Hope you do win it Mrs M,I know that it can be done on the LUB,because my Father in laws partner won the Robot yesterday they have been patiently bidding on all the LUB`s & I dont bother with most of them because its a bit of a lottery but they are over the moon & they have done it without buying masses of kitkats etc.Fair play to them.

RE: Nestle - Wow - 3 DVDs on at the same time

One thing that might amuse you is that Jean hasn`t passed her driving test & she reckons that she cant afford any driving lessons because she has spent all her money on kitkats.She wont sell the car,so if you know any chocaholic driving instructors can you let me know.

RE: Nestle - Wow - 3 DVDs on at the same time

Yes he is while he is doing his washing on the machine that he won.If I had any points left myself I would break his computer.

RE: re:RD comments

Its about i2 million points between Heather,Jean,Simon,Kevin & myself.We have opened that many kitkats that we have got repetative strain injury.It`s nearly a quarter of a million 2 finger kitkats.My dogs wont eat kitkats anymore.I have also learnt how to put a fruit pastille in my mouth without chewing.When we went on holiday we spent over £100 pounds on the insurance at Tesco`s,we paid for it with clubcard points.The best one was the Co Op dividend card.They had a promotion called Treasure Trail,it was spend £ 10 pounds & yoy got a ticket,you collect 75 & you get £100.They had a double week a couple of times which meant that you got over 26% of your money back.When that was on I ordered over 2 pallets.When I went to pick up my euro`s from there travelcare I said that I would pay with my dividend card.It was for 1500 euro,s.I am sure that the woman thought that I was a numpty.Anyway she came back after about 10 mins & said she had to check with our local store to make sure it wasn`t a mistake.Anyway to cut long story short I got my euro`s & still had over £200 left.We have had over 7 pallets of kitkats this time & we have got about £50 quids worth of kitkats left,thank christ.If you can wholesale them at half price it isnt to expensive,but a lot of this is down to luck & obviously a lot of hard work.Anyone who has had to buy alot of kitkats will know what I mean.It must take 3 people nearly 24 hours just to take them out of there wrappers & repack them.Then you have to programme them all in etc.It is just something that gets under your skin & sort of haunts you.Maybe like tattoes or plastic surgery.I think next year if there is any talk of another kitkash I will go & live on a croft up in Scotland or something.It seems like this one has been going on forever & like the last one they seem to be going to slowly kill it off.You would think that they would want it to go off with a bang.That is why I lost over 3 million points last year.I am not complaining to much because we have done well. But it has been so predictable this time & that has kind of spoilt the excitment etc.They have such a brilliant concept thet also have the funds.Its just so sad that they cant use a bit of imagination with the prizes etc.

RE: re:RD comments

My Mother in law Jean won the Car & Kevster her fella won the washing machine,Heather still has the Expedia to spend .I dont think I`m going to file for divorce just yet me thinks.

RE: Anni`s back!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does anyone know why Nestle seem to have an obsession with these dodgy LUB auctions.The only reason that I can see is that they can use the fact that it was won for 27pence worth of kitkats etc more easily than if it went for 3 squillion points etc.What happened to the getting loads of points together & trying to outbid your opponents.Surely the whole point of this is to generate extra sales & an auction is to sell an item to the highest bidder.I think that the short auctions are a good idea as they mean that everyone has a chance to win a prize.But what is the point of the LUB when you just use the free codes to keep bidding on stuff that anyone can win without in theory having had to buy a single kitkat.What was wrong with the way that Coke auction worked.They put up lots of stuff,similarto this,they then put a time as this one.Then you bid on it,the major difference was that you placed the bid of what ever you valued the prize at.It meant that if you wanted something you could in theory pay treble what the underbidder bid.Also what they would do is they would put say 6 tellys together at the same time,so that the first 6 top bidders got a prize.That was good because you would then get someone pay 100 thousand for the top bid & the sixth one would get the same prize for maybe 3 thousand etc.What happened was just like e/bay you would get lots of little bids increasing the price & then you would get the hectic bit at the end.If it was a big prize they would just have one,if it was a Playstation game they would have maybe 30,all at the same time.I had lots to do with that auction & I am telling you that it was much more simple to win a big prize & importantly it was easy for everyone to get a smaller prize too.Surely it makes sense to try to make sure that everyone gets a prize,but equally important to make sure that the more effort you put in the more chance you had in winnig a major prize.Everyone knows that it is`nt easy emassing a huge total & with the cost & effort that is involved that it isnt a viable business opportunetty.It is purely for the crack & nothing else.As I have said at the end of this first Kitkash I lost over 3million points but thats just the way it goes,you pays your money & you take your chance.

RE: wheres anni ?

Thanks for that Mrs M,it`s nice to know that.We have all just got back from Tenerife,courtesy of expedia & nestle.6 of us,4 star etc,2 weeks it was brilliant & we all have great tans.Expedia are really effecient & because the holiday was a couple of hundred quid cheaper they organized a executive transfer for us to & from the airport.We will definately be using them again,as they are quite competative as well.We obviously wont be slating Nestle until our tans wear off either.Except one thing possibly & thats there obsession with LUB auctions there is more now than normal auctions on decent stuff it seems.It bears the question of whether its worth while saving points to bid for stuff etc.What do you think ?

This item was edited on Friday, 9th June 2006, 09:35

RE: wheres anni ?

I`m abit upset myself because I have been away for over 2 weeks & nobody seems to have missed me.I know I arent Annie but does nobody love me ?.

RE: wheres anni ?

Hi everyone,it`s a bit dead on here at the moment,has anyone thought that Annie might have been kidnapped by Nestle for slating them on this website.

RE: kitkash suck

I asked Nestle to check reciepts on the last Kitkash etc.But they have never asked me once.I have got a shed load of wrappers & a shoe box full of reciepts etc.By the way did anyone notice that I was awarded the Pazma screen T/V.We have been on our holidays & the e/mail was waiting for us on our return.It appears that they have explained the definition of the rules more clearly now on the t/c`s.It was a nice surprize for us all on our return.One other thing that I would like to mention on here is Nichola & Gill from Littlewoods,they have been really,really kind & helpful with everything that we have won on Littlewoods & E/Sport.The stuff arrives the next day & if there is a problem with size they send someone round next day to collect to swap,if anything is out of stock they give you pounds credit to choose something else.We have won 2 bunches of flowers & sent them to them last week as a thankyou & we got a really nice card from them this morning.Its nice in this day & age to get such good customer service & we will be using them for all our sports stuff etc in the future & tell all our friends as well.That surely is what there reason for being involved in this promotion is all about.Flowers Direct are really good as well & deserve a mention.

RE: rules & regs

Have done m8,so far 1st person said what Annie said,but the person that rang me back said that she agreed & would check etc.Not hopeful but you never know.I still cant see that 28" & plazma are not the same as 206 & 307 in difference.

RE: rules & regs

I know what your saying Annie but if 2 tv`s are diferent then surely 2 different model cars are.

RE: rules & regs

Surely it says in the same category that means electrical.Problem for me would be that I have won a Dyson & thats a restricted electrical item alledgedely.

RE: rules & regs

I have just checked & seen that I was the underbidder & Jean was the under underbidder so the plot thickens.

rules & regs

If anyone knows the rules better than me,can they enlighten me.2 weeks ago I won a Dalek for the second time,I got an E/Mail from Nestle a few days latter saying that I wouldnt be entitled to it because it was in a restrictive category.I hadnt realised this & I didnt object.I just should have looked at the t&c`s..I thought that I could remember that James Wright from grampian had won a telly previously so I had a look.Surely enough on the 2nd of April he won a 28" widescreen telly.Only reason that I remembered was that I deliberately didnt bid on a telly that was in a restricted category & didnt want to not be able to go for a plazy.Since winning the short on the car it has become difficult to know what to go for as I`ve got major amounts of points to spend & obviously dont have to many options on what to go for.It obviously makes sense not to get restricted in a category for one of the smaller prizes.In the rules it does state in that category.Whats everyones spin on this one.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 25th April 2006, 23:26

RE: Is Kitkash on the slide??

Kitkash 2006 R.I.P.

RE: Is Kitkash on the slide??

Whats happened ?Has everyone died of boredom.

RE: Is Kitkash on the slide??

Sorry MM I`m just getting rid of points m8.Now that I know that your trying to win one I wont bid again & I`ve had a word with the Gibbons 2 & they say that they wont bid on horse racing game again either.We were trying to win one for ages & now weve got 5x4 lanes.We now pay out 4th place on Handicaps.They are really good & like alot of the prizes that we have won on firebox they make great preasants for the wee people when they go to a birthday party etc.Same thing goes for the Aromatics gift sets,great grandmother birthday prezzies.I wanted a plazy but they arent going to happen this time I think.Anyone got one to swap for 5 bath spa`s & 6 DVD players.P.s got one of the One Tree Hill Merchandise today & the hat & t/shirt are very basic but the back pack is really nice & not a cheapy.But come on Warner Brothers where are the Holidays in Australia & the states like last time,they have been rubbish this time & we are still waiting for are rumour has it t/shirts,get your fingers out.

RE: Is Kitkash on the slide??

I think that the auctions are reasonably fair,by the nature of the word auction it means sold to the highest bidder.By the way I havnt bid anything up & dont particularly think that it is necessary.The problem with this year has been the standard of prizes.Last year there were holidays for 10 people sking ,there were plazma`s nearly every day etc.There has been no imagination this year,as micky said ages ago it just looks like they are getting rid of dodgy stock that is gathering dust in there warehouses.If they just put some different stuff on & alot more middle range stuff.I mean they will put a tracky up for 2 days,thats a bit of a joke.

RE: Welcome back Anni :-)

I agree with you KKK,sorry about my mistake,but I was hoping that it was you as your one of the gang etc.I am sure that if you keep plugging on you will get your biggy,just dont give up there are still loads of big prizes to go.7 cars,12 or so Expedias etc.

RE: Welcome back Anni :-)

You are right about Mr,it was just that I always thought that KKK was C.M.James.

RE: Welcome back Anni :-)

Yes Simon is my little brother,well actually he`s bigger than me but you know what I mean.

RE: Welcome back Anni :-)

Anyway whoever he is,well done for winning the motor.

RE: Welcome back Anni :-)

Do we actually know who Mr James is then ?.I`m only wondering.Because it`s nice to think that it is someone from this thread.Obviously it`s myself first,but it`s all of you next ,the DVD Reviewer posse.Does`nt everyone else agree?.

This item was edited on Friday, 24th March 2006, 11:07