Info and forum posts by 'Anfield7'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 25th February 2005, 08:35, Last used: Thursday, 3rd March 2005, 12:08

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: Watch out - the aussies are coming.

This user has posted a total of 7 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: name and shame.

A7 - need I say more.
looks like someone scared of mean,nasty A7.

BOO !!!!

Date of Challenge
27/2/2005 Gavin Barton Fin Diesel in its prime 141 192 216 56 20 36 Refused

27/2/2005 return of the sillycow sarahandsimon teenager 138 335 395 72 37 35 Refused

*Why not accept challenges from better teams.
So what if you lose.
It is a game - not life or death."

RE: Problem for new gremlins

Wonders what has happended between 25th Feb and now ??

You encourage people to challenge you , then what -

YOU refuse the challenge.

See below -

"Newly expired challenges
Date of
Challenge Gremlin Its name Owner`s name Age Strength Stamina Dexterity Fights Won Lost Reason
27/2/2005 return of the sillycow sarahandsimon just walking 111 225 250 46 23 23 Refused"

Not impressed.

Waits for excuse -

A7 - need I say more.

Why ?

Nice to see sarahandsimon complain about XP.

Wonder why this happens -

Newly expired challenges
Date of
Challenge Gremlin Its name Owner`s name Age Strength Stamina Dexterity Fights Won Lost Reason
27/2/2005 return of the sillycow sarahandsimon just walking 111 225 250 46 23 23 Refused

Gee whiz, I know Anfield7 is powerful.
But i am not that scary.

A7 - need I say more.

Talking Fish

Hmmmm.... I wonder if "weegie" is someone`s pet parrot ?

A7 - need I say more.

RE: The martians have landed.

Gotta blame something or mistakes made in life.

It is never, ever my fault.

A7 - need I say more.

P.S. Wonders if Late555`s pet monkey is here ???

Guess who is here - let the fireworks begin

Zambora looks scary but in reality she is meek and mild.
Watch out for the claws though.

CHicken ?

A7 - need I say more.

Guess who is here - let the fireworks begin

Your chance to take revenge on the might of A7.

Zambora looks forward to entertaining your feeble efforts to knock her senseless in the 2nd round.

A7 - need I say more.