Info and forum posts by 'Adam Upmeearse'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 20th February 2005, 14:25, Last used: Tuesday, 15th March 2005, 00:05

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 12 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: The new wall of SHAME!!!

5/3/2005 H3dg3h0g h3dg3h0g a pensioner 350 2375 2000 362 143 219 Lapsed

Adam Upmeearse - You know it makes sense!
Member of the SL Barmy Grem Army!

RE: name and shame.

posted by random username on Friday, 4th March 2005, 20:21

AmbersArse Adam Upmeearse in its prime 405 2099 2100

Sorry Sunbeam!

It twas a mistake, pressed the wrong button by mistake, when in a rush at work! Anyway given your strength, you would have slaughtered me!

After 272 fights, you are the first person I have refused, if you check my fight history, you will see I have taken on all comers, even gremlins with far higher stats than myself! I also have 2 fights a days with, even though I know I will not win!

What can I say, first time for everything!

Adam Upmeearse - You know it makes sense!
Proud member of the SL Barmy Grem Army!

RE: Lol ever had a fight like this?

Me and fellow Chelsea supporting SL Forum abuser Dragonspirit have had some close fights since we both joined the Gremlin leagues, but none have come as close as this one! :o

Full 20 rounder, 23 points each, Dragon takes the win as the challenger...


Adam Upmeearse - You know it makes sense!
Member of the SL Barmy Army

RE: name and shame.

To right!

27/2/2005 Toffee 2nd Tifftoff a pensioner 766 719 940 269 201 68 Lapsed
24/2/2005 ResidentSteve ResidentSteve a pensioner 363 121 439 103 41 62 Lapsed
24/2/2005 DylDoh`s Scent Freelancer young adult 260 355 265 93 49 44 Refused
23/2/2005 Zombified Zarniwoop a pensioner 136 142 292 53 28 25 Lapsed
22/2/2005 Manjula spaniard a pensioner 88 81 116 16 7 9 Lapsed
21/2/2005 Meowmixalot Zaraz a pensioner 71 73 68 1 1 0 Lapsed
21/2/2005 BoB blackbicbiro a pensioner 65 67 65 10 2 8 Lapsed
21/2/2005 MOOKIDOOM mookid middle aged 64 65 69 3 1 2 Lapsed
21/2/2005 Zorke Zorke in its prime 81 74 78 6 2 4 Lapsed
21/2/2005 Paedoboy PhilP82 a pensioner 62 82 64 3 1 2 Lapsed

Adam Upmeearse - You know it makes sense!

RE: Problem for new gremlins

Reason for refusal!!!

refusal was given due tot he fact i was taught to play fairly. and sorry you and your little gang are not playing by the rules nor fairly.

And how exactly do you know which new user is part of the SL Grem Army and which is not?

Or do you have an inherant hatred of all newcomers???


Adam Upmeearse - You know it makes sense!

RE: Problem for new gremlins

Just a word of warning to any of you sour, chip on shoulder, what are you doing on our turf insular brigade. Should you ever find yourselves on the SL forums, this kind of "get off our turf" attitude is not tollerated and will make you very unpopular and get you kicked out PDQ!

Adam Upmeearse - You know it makes sense!

RE: Jealousy indeed

QUOTE "methinks the Sunday League grem army is striking fear into other gremlin owners..... "

Oh yeah baby! The SL Grem Army have launched an invasion and in the space of just a week, word has spread and the locals are getting nervous!

i wonder why if the sl grem army is so great and so is their forum why are they over here ?
you only need to launch an invasion if you can`t manage to live in your own area!

Let me give you a little background to the SL Army Invasion!.....

SL ( is an internet based football management game, which has it`s own forums. Late555, one of the said forums moderators, posted a thread and link to this site.

We are not interested in YOUR site`s poxy forums (ours are far far better!), we are invading the Gremlin league tables and judging by the latest update, dominating it as well!

By the time any of us had even bothered looking at the forums on this site, the SL Grem Army had already staked a claim on the league tables after an initial scouting trip by the aforementioned Late555!

Now you know the invaders are here, there is very little you can do to stop us, so live with it!


Adam Upmeearse - You know it makes sense!

RE: The martians have landed.

Quote - "The martians have landed, You may bow in my prescence and prepare to be conquered"

No chance pal! The SL Grem army have taken the site by storm and are monopolising the top 100! Martians, no way, stand aside spaceman, SL Grem`s are here to stay and take over, by hostile force, if necessary! Resistance is futile!


Adam Upmeearse - You know it makes sense!

RE: Jealousy indeed

QUOTE "methinks the Sunday League grem army is striking fear into other gremlin owners..... "

Oh yeah baby! The SL Grem Army have launched an invasion and in the space of just a week, word has spread and the locals are getting nervous!


Adam Upmeearse - You know it makes sense!

RE: Want easy victory ?

You should know by now, everyone is mean on SL!!


RE: Guess who is here - let the fireworks begin

The mighty Anfield makes an appearance!

Do you promise not to ban us from the SL forums, if we kick your Gremlin`s butt?


If so, come and have a go! Bring it on!!

RE: Ummm, somethings not right


It sounds like someone has a chip on their shoulder! ;-)

The fact is dispater, a lot of us joined in the past week after reading about it on a website forum. Within a couple of days, it`s popularity grew and there is a friendly league table within our forums, with users trying to fight as many fellow forum users as possible.

500 points can be easily obtain by just telling your mates!

No conspiracy, just friendly competition between fellow forum users! (No you can`t join our forums!)..........