Info and forum posts by 'Neurology'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 19th February 2005, 00:20, Last used: Friday, 11th March 2005, 22:13

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 10 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Challenge me please!!!

my gremline sucks!

RE: Bring it on

hehehe... nvm... we still got more challenges to come! :P

RE: Bring it on

i won again!!! yeay!!! hehehe.. :P .. i`ll challenge u tomorrow.. hahaha.. :D

RE: Lol ever had a fight like this?

I like this... hes got double the stamina that i have, but i won! :D

Round # What happened Winner Health
1 Tablecloth! crawls towards NeUrOLoGy, giving what for
(Damage 8) Tablecloth! 118 vs 364

2 NeUrOLoGy heads for Tablecloth!, giving something to think about
(Damage 43) NeUrOLoGy 118 vs 321

3 Tablecloth! jumps at NeUrOLoGy, causing a broken limb
(Damage 7) Tablecloth! 111 vs 321

4 NeUrOLoGy moves towards Tablecloth!, but misses
Draw! 111 vs 321

5 Tablecloth! moves towards NeUrOLoGy, causing a broken limb
(Damage 24) Tablecloth! 87 vs 321

6 NeUrOLoGy grabs at Tablecloth!, giving something to think about
(Damage 21) NeUrOLoGy 87 vs 300

7 Tablecloth! lunges for NeUrOLoGy, but misses
Draw! 87 vs 300

8 NeUrOLoGy leaps towards Tablecloth!, delivering a knuckle sandwich
(Damage 44) NeUrOLoGy 87 vs 256

9 Tablecloth! sets upon NeUrOLoGy, but NeUrOLoGy dodges and returns fire giving something to think about (Damage 30) NeUrOLoGy 87 vs 226

10 NeUrOLoGy crawls towards Tablecloth!, giving a bloody nose
(Damage 29) NeUrOLoGy 87 vs 197

11 Tablecloth! sets upon NeUrOLoGy, but NeUrOLoGy dodges and returns fire causing breathing difficulties
(Damage 28) NeUrOLoGy 87 vs 169

12 NeUrOLoGy goes for Tablecloth!, giving a bloody nose
(Damage 49) NeUrOLoGy 87 vs 120

13 Tablecloth! sets upon NeUrOLoGy, causing a deadly blow
(Damage 9) Tablecloth! 78 vs 120

14 NeUrOLoGy moves towards Tablecloth!, causing breathing difficulties
(Damage 18) NeUrOLoGy 78 vs 102

15 Tablecloth! aims at NeUrOLoGy, giving a bloody nose
(Damage 10) Tablecloth! 68 vs 102

16 NeUrOLoGy moves towards Tablecloth!, causing a broken limb
(Damage 44) NeUrOLoGy 68 vs 58

17 Tablecloth! jumps at NeUrOLoGy, causing a cracked skull
(Damage 10) Tablecloth! 58 vs 58

18 NeUrOLoGy crawls towards Tablecloth!, giving a bloody nose
(Damage 44) NeUrOLoGy 58 vs 14

19 Tablecloth! heads for NeUrOLoGy, causing a deadly blow
(Damage 6) Tablecloth! 52 vs 14

20 NeUrOLoGy moves towards Tablecloth!, but misses
Draw! 52 vs 14

NeUrOLoGy is the winner on points after 20 rounds

NeUrOLoGy gained 23 experience points for this match, whilst Tablecloth! gained 21.

RE: Bring it on

ok.. wait for me tomorrow! :P let see whether it was a luck or my grmline really strong! :P

RE: Mr Flibble`s very cross!

i will challenge u tomorrow... be prepared! :P

RE: Bring it on

i won against u... :P

RE: FatboySnail wants you *points at you*

i lost to u.. :( ...

nvm, tomorrow, i`ll challenge u back!!! be prepared, ok? hehehe.. :p

Challenge me please!!!

I need challenges!