Info and forum posts by 'theboywhoblockedhisownshot'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.


Joined on: Friday, 18th February 2005, 22:28, Last used: Wednesday, 2nd March 2005, 23:16

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user:

This user has posted a total of 37 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.04 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Decline of the forum

oh you arent serious that you took those seriously!!!!

You`re havin` a laugh mate......

Your the one that called me your "nemisis" and clearly i knew you were being sarcastic.....sheesh!!!

lighten up will you.............don`t go blaming me

RE: Jealousy indeed


RE: Jealousy indeed

do you all you losergays wish everyone " all the best "?

how camp is that.............beth nice pic btw.......*cough* not *cough*

thanks for the tip on insults although if that is you in the picture i would think about getting some might work but then again......nah

oooo i can`t wait for one of your "grown up" intellegent comebacks trying to insult because i`m not as old as you...........yeah thats mature.........

Does it make you feel big picking on people younger than you? *sob* It`s okay.....I....I can manage........

get a life..........

RE: Jealousy indeed

Ha ha.......oldies

And correct me if I`m wrong but 25% of £1000 = £250 NOT £148.13

Yeh good one! loser..............

This item was edited on Wednesday, 2nd March 2005, 18:45

RE: Jealousy indeed

you really all are old farts aren`t you................

It`s sad old are you guys anyway? 50? 60?

It seems that way.............dorks

RE: Jealousy indeed

oh dear......we have two losers now.......are you two married?

This item was edited on Monday, 28th February 2005, 20:51

RE: Jealousy indeed

Its sad when little boys talk about things they haven`t yet experienced........

"struggling so hard with the concept of reaching puberty "

I know it can be hard at times but you will make it ..........we`re all here for you little dorky one........ :/ wait I`m not..........

Yes I do feel grammar is important, if we didn`t have it how would you be able to make such crappy comebacks? Also someone who doesn`t grasp things such as a sense of humour or the whole sarcasm thing can hardly be equipped to criticise someone who was just having a laugh the first time...........

Lighten up and don`t feel you have to make me your "Nemesis" just because i spoke back to your witty comment on how you don`t understand sarcasm.....

Your Mummy can tell you all you need to know........even about puberty and the thing you stuggle with the most......I won`t mention it as I know you get upset......

Hang in there super_dork..........

anyone want a game of rogue spear?

any people got rogue spear and want to play over the zone? 8)

RE: The New star wars film..

does anakin kill chewie or just scold him with angry words? :/

RE: Jealousy indeed

Super_King *cough* super_dork * cough * get a life.....................

"and no i dont miss a thing as you correctly pointed out me lad."

shocking grammar for someone as advanced as yourself..........loser

RE: Jealousy indeed

you dont miss a thing do you.......kinda havent caught onto what sarcasm is yet have you? ..................ask your mommy.............

RE: Jealousy indeed

ive got 48930 gremlins and im not doing to bad either

RE: Problem for new gremlins

shut it you :/ sometimes theres no point in fighting if your going to get smeeeshed..........

im around 350 500 600 and i refuseda guy who challenged me who was like 200 850 950............whats the bleedin point in accepting just if you know you are going to lose? EH?

what stats are yoy at?

RE: FatboySnail wants you *points at you*

i am also up for challenges...........i do not cower in fear like a little girly............oh no..................i accept all my fights.............yeah thats right jimmiboi......wooos....... :¦


yeh i knew that......................that word looks like devon a bit, like cows .......hence genius is lost on you all. lol. 8)

sarahandsimon, onionboy have you got rogue spear for pc?

RE: Ummm, somethings not right

damn right.........i smell a riot coming on.............


lol i get it now.......congratulations anyway. :D

is cavonia not some kind of milk? :/


sarahandsimon are you like catdog? :/

RE: Problem for new gremlins

that is damn annoying.....i know the feeling also.

FatboySnail is up for any fights coming his way too. Feel free.........

RE: Ummm, somethings not right

damn right 8 out of 20 is poor......couldnt they do something about it? like introduce a five or ten day no play rule that your gremlin gets terminated?

if you want u can fight about 200, 400, 400 jus now if you`re interested. I`m called FatboySnail......around rank 140.

This item was edited on Thursday, 24th February 2005, 20:37

RE: Ummm, somethings not right

I agree......its not or two is okay but more than that is just spoiling it for everyone.......another thing that p***es me off is all the stooopid gremlins on the last page who havent fought anyone.......damn it if you are going to do it at least fight them a bit........and another thing, is Robert John Shepard a real boy or is he some £4 billion secret government computer sent to us to see whats going on.......anyone got any ideas talk to

RE: ARRRGGGR i cant level me takes a while to load then gives five to each and when i try to spend more ot takes it off say strength when i click on dexterity......tis annoying

RE: ARRRGGGR i cant level me

yeah ive still got 68 to spend but i can only give five to each then every time i try to give more to one than five, it takes it off other ones and puts it back onto the total to spend.

Any advice?

ARRRGGGR i cant level me

My levelling up doesnt work anymore.....can someone help?

RE: FatboySnail wants you *points at you*

Yes you will cower in fear...............good gremlins knowing your

RE: FatboySnail wants you *points at you*

Well Mrs. Popples you can come and bite my heiny if you wish but you`ll get a face full of slime if you think about it.

RustyBoi...........go home................

Love from that........*Daa Daa Wonderful Snail Do Do Bee Doo*

RE: FatboySnail wants you *points at you*

Fury.....................................i won tee hee

RE: FatboySnail wants you *points at you*

FatboySnail is scared of little children........he let you win..........come back when you are a man and we will fight...........*its okay, shes gone now* He`s calm better not show your face round these parts for a few months......find a safehouse get supplies and rest up........his fury will unleash...........oh its gonna unleash........then he will be king of the gremlins..........fury...........unleash.............bitter last words........tee hee..........

RE: FatboySnail wants you *points at you*

oh i`ll be waiting.....waitng like a hawk......waiting in the shadows....grrrrrr