Info and forum posts by 'Groomoid'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 13th December 2000, 06:36, Last used: Wednesday, 13th December 2000, 06:36

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 4 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Sky Digibox Problems


I know this doesnt help but I have been having virtually identical problems for about the last 6 months. I have a panasonic digibox which is nearly 3 years old now.

In addition to your problems mine also freezes on one channel that I am watching and for about 2 secs the remote buttons have no effect then suddenly it will change channel - usually to one that I have been watching regularly over a period of days eg I will be on sky one and after pressing the down channel button it will change to sky news....

I usually do a reset at the mains and its okay for a couple of weeks..

I have a feeling its probably to do with the age of my digibox, but I aint replacing it yet so I put up with it.

Maybe someone with techie knowledge has the answer.....just thought I would add to your there are at least 2 of us with the same problem!!!!!

RE: Scan 2000 and AV-6 dts.......hmmmm

Sorry Nelley - But I`ve cancelled the order..Thanks for responding anyway

RE: Scan 2000 and AV-6 dts.......hmmmm

Perhaps Ive been saved all that worry....
Rang Scan today - got through okay (took about 7 mins). However the bloke that told me yesterday that they had a few in stock and I would get it today was either lying or extremely hopeful, as the girls on the phone tell me today they are expecting some in today but these are for back orders - which is fair enough, Why should I jump the queue?? Saved I maybe. They are going to cancel my order and say they havent charged my credit card yet hmmm we`ll see about that.
They confirm the next delivery will be Jan 5th (I cant wait that long - I could be dead tomorrow....he he he)
Any way it now allows me to ask the next lame question.. What DVD to go for combined with a home cinema package. Is the Pioneer NS-DV55 any good??

Scan 2000 and AV-6 dts.......hmmmm

Bloody hell - You lot really inspire confidence in a product. I wish I had read all the reviews here before purchasing the above combo. It arrives today (Or it is supposed to). I will let you know what I think.

I must say however that I have used Scan for the last 2 years for computer related products and have had no problems with them at all. The only item I ever had to return was sorted out in less than a week - which I dont think is bad, considering I have spent over £2000 with them in that time.

This is my first DVD purchase so I hope the experience doesn`t put me off for life.......Here`s hoping