Info and forum posts by 'bluebottle'

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Joined on: Monday, 10th January 2005, 11:44, Last used: Friday, 18th February 2005, 11:09

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 7 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Plus net offering 8MBps net conection for £15 to all BT customers + free transfer from other ADS

i guess there not happy with the new prices, before there was unlimited bandwidth avaiable for £39.99 on a 2Mbps connection, now the deal is:

*Get your bandwidth allocation (70gigs) at 8Mbps
*If you go over your bandwidth allocation 3months in a row, then in the 3rd month after using your allocation your connection speed drops to 128kbps.

Still seems pretty reasonable, and you can buy more bandwidth at the higher speed. The 8Mpbs is more a BT offering and everyone who can crrently get a 2Mbps connection will go up to 4/8Mbps depending on "line conditions" / how (in)competent BT are

Also from BTs press anouncement it looks like upstream will go up as well. Most existing ADSL modems are capable of 8Mbps down and !Mbps up, but no one has said what the upstream will go to yet.

Plus net offering 8MBps net conection for £15 to all BT customers + free transfer from other ADSL

Just got this mail from them, been with them for ages and can officially say they rock. From the looks this will be available to all BT customers and not just Londoners like Bulldogs offerings.

They also are offering free transfers from other broadband providers at the moment.

There site is here

There 2 main offerings are there standard service with starting at £22 a month for 30gigs transfer at 8MBps, and £14.99 for there PaYG service, which can also ru at 8MBps. I guess there site will be updated soon with all the details

Great news! Free speed upgrades to all PlusNet customers

Following BT`s recent announcement that they plan to increase broadband speeds up to 8Mb across their local exchange network, we are delighted to offer free speed upgrades and a brand new product range for our customers.

From April, you will be able to take advantage of these faster broadband speeds as they become available, giving you a free-of-charge upgrade to the fastest broadband available.

BT is working hard to ensure that as many people as possible are able to receive the maximum available speeds. Further, BT Wholesale`s changes enable us to determine our customers` actual speed setting, instead of this being set at BT`s local exchange.

1) Speed upgrades to all fixed-cost broadband products

If you`re currently on Broadband Home Premier, you will be able to choose the speed you operate your connection at - from 512kb right up to 8Mb where available.

The Premier product range offers a clean 50:1 contended DSL connection with no network restrictions or traffic shaping applied, so you can run whatever applications you need - at any time of the day - with no worries about speed or performance.

In conjunction with this, PlusNet is implementing a `fair usage` policy in which we will deliver a commitment to our customers, ensuring platform performance is not disproportionately affected by a small minority of extremely heavy users.

The table below shows how prices will relate to usage, rather than speed.

Broadband Premier Fair Usage Total `Fair Usage` Achievable
Product On Peak Levels Inc Off Peak (based on 2Mb)

£21.99 30GB 230GB
£29.99 50GB 250GB
£39.99 75GB 275GB
£49.99 100GB 300GB
£59.99 125GB 325GB

Off-peak usage between 1am through 8am is excluded from `fair usage` levels, so if you schedule downloads `off-peak` you can achieve a far higher usage with no restrictions.

Further, only download data is monitored so uploads are not currently restricted in any way.

2) Speed increases for PAYG products

PlusNet`s Broadband PAYG products (formerly known as "Lite") will also be extended to include 4Mb and 8Mb speeds from April. At £14.99 per month, and £1.50 per GB thereafter, speeds of up to 8Mb will be a fantastic value product option for light and infrequent Broadband users.

3) Introducing Broadband Plus

Broadband Plus will be available from April. This product range will complement our existing Broadband Pay As You Go and Premier products, and will offer unrivalled price value.

Broadband Plus is designed to meet the needs of the average Broadband user who wants fast email and web browsing. More advanced applications will be more suitable on the Broadband Pay As You Go and Premier products. A fair usage system does not need to apply to Broadband Plus due to the way the product is designed and network managed.

Broadband Plus has a lower service-providing cost than the Premier products, which will be reflected in the pricing we will publish for Broadband Plus in the near future.

`Broadband Pay As You Go`, `Broadband Plus` and `Broadband Premier`, are 3 simple product options that offer something for everyone, delivering market-leading value, quality of service and a great customer experience.

Further details on your specific connection and product delivery will be communicated to you in the near future.

We look forward to continuing to provide you with market-leading broadband services and fantastic value prices.

Kind regards,
PlusNet Customer Support

View related information on the fair usage levels

This item was edited on Thursday, 17th February 2005, 18:25

RE: Free £5 :D

<BUMP> Looks like this is back on, in the scrolly box on the front page it says about the £5 signup bonus again!

RE: FREE 44 day DVD rentals @ lovefilm

looks like its changed to a 30 day trial now, can u get that ok? still worth it i guess

RE: Blah DVD - £5 off and £2 off vouchers

just went for this, with the voucher it brought the first 4 seasons on The Simpsons down to £11.99

RE: FREE 44 day DVD rentals @ lovefilm

signed up to this, they seem to have a pretty good selection, lets see how long it takes for DVDs to arrive :)

cant argue with a 6 week trial though :)