Info and forum posts by 'gbenson'

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Joined on: Wednesday, 29th December 2004, 19:19, Last used: Monday, 19th September 2005, 19:48

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 8 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Philips DVDR610 troubles

Hello everyone,
Just to give you a latest update, I have been installing upgrade 25 and I find that it seems to be stopping the TV switching to external input at the same time that the clock blanks off. However, the clock is still blanking off intermittently and also I see it does it when the TV is brought of standby.

Philips tech have advised me that there is another upgrade, yes, 26 which will appear in week 5, sometime in Feb I presume. They assure me it will stop the clock blanking out. We will see.

I am also finding trouble with some of the trays opening and closing, or the lack of it, with a mesage "blocked". I am looking at one, I wonder if the belt drive to the tray is weak?

RE: Philips DVDR610 troubles

Hello everyone,

I have just seen that there is a new firmware upgrade, version 25 that you can get from the p4c website. I am about to download. Also, at work , sometime this morning someone from Philips did try to contact me, but its my day off!! Hopefully they will ring tomorrow and I may have more news. I look forward to hearing from anyone who fits the upgrade to see if it clears the problem.

RE: Philips DVDR610 troubles

Just to update things, Philips have a list of all machines giving troubles, its a wide spread not just a batch, they are supposed to be contacting me when they have an answer. I have just opened up a scart plug and cut the wire, its easy enough to resolder it back on. I am actually using one at home, and I can make the display go off when I bring the TV out of standby, but its not consistent. As a shop we are having to refund people who have the problem and are not prepared to wait for Philips so its really bad news.

Will advise here if and when I get news

RE: Philips DVDR610 troubles

Hello, the upgrade 22 will cure the clock problem, it also stops excess fan operation, but if the fan is noisy, it will need replacing; I have already had to replace one. It wont cure the Scart problem. If you want the upgrade, go to the p4c site as shown on front of instruction book, put your model number in the box, the click on software ( I think) you will be able to download a 10Meg Zip file, which you will need to unzip and then burn on to a blank CD. You then put the CD in the DVDR, wait you get various messages like Download, verify files, read files and when its done it ejects the disc. Takes about 5 mins. All I suggest to stop the scart switching is to cut off lead to pin 8 on the plug.

Best wishes, Grahame

RE: Philips DVDR610 troubles

Hello everyone,

My latest news on this odd scart operation such as comments above; I managed to contact Philips tech in Eindhoven, they were interested to know serial numbers of machines affected, as they had only heard of this problem this week!! And this will be relayed to the factory for them to try and sort out. No immediate cure in sight.

At present I am cutting pin 8 on the scart leads to at least try and stop the TV switching over to External inputs.

RE: Philips DVDR610 troubles

Hello Andrew,

Sorry to hear of your problems, I assume you have tried more than one disc! I also assume you have done a "Power On Reset". The only other possibility; Has the Record Mode got to say its minimum time eg 2hrs so that you cant record more than 2 hrs?

Otherwise I dont know, perhaps you need to call the dealer who sold you the recorder.

Best wishes, Grahame

RE: Philips DVDR610 troubles

Hello Steve,

Nice to get a reply so soon! Something is happening on scart control, lets see what other messages appear. If I get any useful information from Philips I will advise.

Best wishes. Grahame

Philips DVDR610 troubles

Hello, I am new to this forum, reading about all the problems with these machines. I work for a Philips dealer, have been supplying these since they came out. This is as much as I know at present.
The first batch that came out displayed mono instead of Stereo, although they recorded OK. A software upgrade just blanked out where the ident was appearing!
I had people complaining about excess fan operation.
Then came the problem with clock advancing 30 mins.
It does appear that software upgrade "22" addresses these 2 problems.

I am getting some compaints, and I have seen it today! that the machine switches the TV back to external input and then back to TV randomly, with the front display going off as well. The one customer said that she could make it do it by switching the TV on; is there a problem with scart communication? Also some people say that if the machine is powered out of standby, it will affect the TV, but only if the DVDR is on BBC1 or BBC2.
Also there are complaints of timed recordings not doing their full time. At the moment I have no answer to these problems, so if anyone out there has similar troubles, lets hear about them. As a dealer, it is difficult for me to get through to anyone at Philips to discuss problems, let alone customers.
Also, as a word of caution, machines before Xmas were recalled for software upgrade 22 before they were released to dealers; they started coming to us after 13 th Dec, but some since then must have missed the upgrade, as I have had to do some since. I am a fan of Philips, but I do think they have "shot themselves in the foot" !!