Info and forum posts by 'johndavis0'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 9th December 2004, 09:01, Last used: Monday, 19th December 2005, 13:39

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 9 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Oi - Psychobabble - you refusing wuss!

out of the 19 fights you have had this morning how many points have you obtained

when i refused you I was on verge of terminating gremlin so P***ed of was I.
I have had over 400 fights to get here scrapping a few points here and there.Now I am handing out point out like sweets where is the fun of that!!!

now you have made me cry.

up until this morning I enjoyed this game but the balance is wrong. Even beating "your mum" did not feel good ( even though I have lost every other fight)

whupass, jessie are back

whupass and jessie are back leaner meaner and spoiling for fights

Dave where is Zappiod better be quick

RE: Gremlin Graveyard


was born on
away on

bye bye my little battling buddy

This item was edited on Saturday, 1st January 2005, 00:09

RE: Poor little Poohbearie

Whupass says that poobearie has been missed and that it was one less challenge a day for him.

Also in the next few days take it easy and don`t go challenginge to many people unless he feels up to it.

RE: GRRRR! challenges wanted around 240 300 300

OMG look what just happened

What happened Round winner

1 cjanderson heads for whupass, causing a deadly blow (Damage 155) cjanderson

2 whupass goes for cjanderson, but cjanderson dodges and returns fire giving what for (Damage 444) cjanderson

cjanderson is the winner as whupass has passed out!


GRRRR! challenges wanted around 490 530 530

Whupass would like to move up the league table with you help.


This item was edited on Monday, 20th December 2004, 20:07

RE: fight wanted for gremlins around 150, 150, 150

glad to hear it, come and have a go!

Oh! you have................sob!


please be gentle........ sob sob ( trying to appeal to you girlies better nature)

still there`s always tommorow :/

This item was edited on Sunday, 12th December 2004, 02:16

RE: fight wanted for gremlins around 150, 150, 150

whupass, sorry meant to name my little battling friend whussiekins


( it was a good fight though should of heard the oooes and aaars at my end !!(( o`er missus))

RE: fight wanted for gremlins around 150, 150, 150

just doesnt make any sense - im off to bed in a sulk now

ps challenge my mate whupass as well, he may get revenge for me

Cheers mate, trying to get me pummeled aswell

Bring it on!!!