Info and forum posts by 'Rob Grayson'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 3rd December 2000, 12:04, Last used: Sunday, 3rd December 2000, 12:04

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: Pioneer XV DV-55 owner

Rocking system!!

This user has posted a total of 2 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Pioneer NS-DV55

Hi Dave,

You have got audio-out on your new TV haven`t you?

If you have, it`s a simple job to set it up. Connect the left and right audio out channels from your TV to one of the analog audio inputs of the DV-55 (i suggest Audio 1 like mine) (look in the manual for details). However, if your TV doesn`t have audio outs (like mine) then you`re stuck. I solved this by having the audio output from my satellite digibox through the surround system, allowing all satellite channels to be through the DV55, but not terestrial TV.

On to your second point. Don`t forget, that most TV programmes, along with CD`s etc are not in 5:1 Dolby, or Dolby surround, and thus by default NOTHING will come out of the rear speakers when listening to these. Only DVD`s which are recorded to use the Dolby surround sound standards will play through the rear speakers with the system`s default settings. Even then, most of the time, the sound from the rear speakers is not supposed to be too obtrusive, and contributes mainly to sound effects etc. If you want, the relative strengths of each of the five speakers can be altered to your tastes, depending on your room setup (that`s what I`ve done)- then manual tells you all about varying the channel outputs.

However, after saying all that, the DV 55 is a clever system, and contains a DSP, or digital signal processor, which allows you to have even two-channel sources (such as CD`s and TV) played as if they were in surround sound, thus using the rear speakers. In this way, you can superimpose a variety of effects such as theatre, hall, action, drama etc. on your source sound. The results are often great, although sometimes a bit weird.

Like yourself I`m a newcomer to this lark, but the manual explains most things, (a little unclearly in places). I can provide you with a copy if you haven`t got one.

Email me on 0cidem[at]moc.liamtoh if you`re stll having probs.



RE: Pioneer NS-DV55

Hi gus,

I`m looking for the same thing and have looked around extensively for an answer.

I found the following article, and I just wonder if it`s applicable (however, it`s in spanish!!!! ;-) ) and it`s a Brazilian URL!!!

Don`t `spose you speak spanish???