Info and forum posts by 'flobble'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 22nd November 2004, 18:16, Last used: Friday, 13th August 2010, 23:45

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: I like gremlins and cheese.

This user has posted a total of 19 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

little Dribbly the 3rd passed away not long ago :(

May you have a peaceful rest in gremlin heaven alongside your forebunnies. No more will you have to sharpen your teeth on all those gemlin ankles or play minor parts in films such as monty python and the holy grail. :)

Dribbly the 3rd
Owner is
Strength: 1269
Stamina: 897
Dexterity: 1729
Likes Nibbling gremlin ankles, licking my fur clean and giving my woodland nymph bunnyhugs in the bushes.
Dislikes Having my fluffy botty kicked by gremlins, having excessive wind and bulging eyes.
Age: R.I.P.
Won: 160
Lost: 172
Challenges Waiting: -1 (!!!???) :o

This item was edited on Wednesday, 2nd February 2005, 01:18

RE: What`s wrong with the new code

carrots? :o ooh no! ...only juicy gremlin ankles :p :)

just thought I`d mention Dribbly has got -1 challenges at the moment... maybe he nibbled one too many ankles :o

RE: What`s wrong with the new code

Fair enough :) I`ve never had any interest in boxing to be honest so have never heard of that, which is why I couldn`t see how that expression was meant to refer to the rounds!
I do agree though, points on rounds seems to be a fairer way of sharing points out :D

I thnk Dribbly would still prefer carrots though, being the nibbly bunny that he is :o

This item was edited on Wednesday, 26th January 2005, 22:52

RE: Poll?

Got me smilies working more or less ok :) and the poll seems to be showing the results to me now! wasn`t a little earlier..? So thankyou to whoever or whatever was responsible :D

RE: What`s wrong with the new code

feel like I`m hijacking this thread somehow :D appleloggies if I am!

Ok..... so if a fight without a knockout is then based on the number of rounds won despite how many points are beaten out of each other, shouldn`t the game say that rather than being misleading and clearly stating that a combatant won on points?
As far as I can see it has just as much relevance to say they are "winner on points" as to say they are "winner on carrots" as it`s absolutely nothing to do with the decision making of the overall winner.
.....or am I completely misunderstanding something? :D

it`s not me you understand, it`s dribbly threatening to nibble my ankle if I don`t manage to get an answer! :o

RE: What`s wrong with the new code

Confused little Dribbly just noticed a fight he was in that lasted the full 20 rounds, and at the bottom it says.....

(opponents name) is the winner on points after 20 rounds

.....And yet, If you actually look at the points in the fight, I took 956 points, and my opponent took 101 points (despite winning more rounds) !

I`m not complaining about getting thrashed :D as I expect it to happen at least some of the time, it`s just that going by what the game says, I would`ve won on points..... unless it should be saying "winner on rounds" ...?

This item was edited on Monday, 24th January 2005, 04:37

RE: Poll?

oky doky :) just wondered if it might be me browser...?
I`m using firefox 1.0 at the moment to see what its like... just tried viewing this site with IE, voted once more and then the poll showed up!
viewed site again in firefox and i get the voting options still? it also doesn`t seem to be able to handle the smilies in the forum as i get an error message saying "this feature isnt supported in your browser sorry!" :D

RE: Poll?

hello random one!

afraid not, as far as i know - just checked my browser settings and it says it`s accepting them :o/ maybe it`s just me then :oD

I`ve stopped voting now by the way in case I bias the results!


erm, just wondering if the poll is working properly?

I just voted 3 times and it still comes up with the list of questions!!!

many thanks, Flobble (and ickle Dribbly the 3rd).

RE: Roll up, Roll up - get your high XP here!! Ranked 4th and taking all challenges from lower Greml

Argh! think I`m going blind :/ just noticed that it wasn`t you who refused my challenge sorry Phil! :D just realised as I was refused again today, but that`s ok.
We`ve all got the choice to refuse a challenge though so fair enough i guess :)

RE: Roll up, Roll up - get your high XP here!! Ranked 4th and taking all challenges from lower Greml

Bless you Phil :) no offence was taken, so no worries! :D
sadly I`ve run out of challenges today :(
but not long till the next ten challenges though!

...not that I would ever purposefully stay up till midnight just to check on little Dribbly... I`m not addicted, it`s just a conincidence I tell you! :D ;)
*counts down the minutes....*

I hear sausage and stilton sandwiches are rather nice.

RE: Roll up, Roll up - get your high XP here!! Ranked 4th and taking all challenges from lower Greml

me too :D though poor little dribly 3rd was a little dissapointed at having a refusal from a gremlin who`s nearly in the top ten :/ would`ve thought every few points would help, but, cest la vie, lots of other gremlin ankles to nibble :p :D

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

Dribbly 2

Owner is
Strength: 371
Stamina: 1214
Dexterity: 1338
Likes chocolate, cheese, chess and nibbling in the woods.
Dislikes being late, misplacing things and toothache.
Born: 16/12/2004
Passed away: 7/1/2005
Age: R.I.P.
Won: 206
Lost: 102
Challenges Waiting: 0

You did Dribbly 1st proud :D

viva Dribbly 3rd 8) may your tail always be fluffy and your teeth kept sharp (from nibbling all those gremlin ankles ;) )

This item was edited on Saturday, 8th January 2005, 00:33

RE: New "Health Meter"

Dribbly 2 says *grunt grunt snuffle*
which more or less means he likes this too! :D

very nice thankyou! 8)

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

rest in peace little Dribbly :(

Owner is
Strength: 323
Stamina: 755
Dexterity: 805
Likes Cheese. Chess. Eye of the tiger.
Dislikes Apples. Doorsalesmen. Strong cider.
Age: R.I.P.
Won: 157
Drawn: 5
Lost: 146
Challenges Waiting: 7

May Dribbly 2 do you proud :D