Info and forum posts by 'dvddonkey99'

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Joined on: Friday, 3rd September 2004, 19:42, Last used: Wednesday, 18th May 2005, 17:09

Access Level: Harmless

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Plodding the cyber information super highway

This user has posted a total of 2 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: ALDI Gericom Laptop £999.99 From 2nd September

Sorry Mark you need to look again!

This is a bargin, it was covered on few weeks ago as a "heads up"
If this as a branded product such as as ony etc you would easily pay a couple of hundred quid more!

it is esentially a "centrino" laptop, where as a "officalial" centrino laptop requires you to ahve a) a pentium 4/M chip, b) intel 811.b wirelss card and c) intel chipset, this is better as it does away with the slow 10/mbit "b" card and ciges you a "b" & "g" standard wireless gard caperbale of 54mb+ bus as a result cant "officailly" be a centrino.
the card in this latop may even qualify it ender the forthcoming "centrino 2" standards to be launched shortly. the combination of centro chipset & pentium M also gives extended battery life as quoated here in the region of 6hrs! prior to centrino i have rale seen a laptop on batteries last 3hrs!

remember also that for a Pentium M (mobile) chip you effectively times the speed by 2.5-3.0x to find the desktop equivelant! resulting in a very fast beast indeed

it doesnt have the old IGP 9200 Graphics chip it has the Radeon 9700 Mobile chipset!!
12-18 months a go a desktop card of this spec was £250 and still out performed the new Desktop 9600 chipsets!

the rest of the spec isnt too bad either

my brotehr in law has bough one and is over the moon.

I cant personnly see the point of all teh pinnacle software unless their is some video capture caperbility, athough I suppose it can burn movies to disk, but youd be better off with nero and a codec pack?

Plodding the cyber information super highway