Info and forum posts by 'Firas 1978'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 9th March 2004, 19:51, Last used: Saturday, 26th June 2010, 15:47

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 11 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

SAMSUNG DVD-P182K Region free unlock code needed urgently!

Hey guys id be much obliged if one of u whiz kids out there could provide me with a working region free unlock code for my Samsung DVD-P182K player ! thanks!

-Firas 1978

RE: Has anyone used ?

One of the worst online retailer i have used in my time (second only to spash)and god knows ive used a hell of a lot of them. Every single of my orders had a 24 hour dispatch notice than didnt get dispatched for over 3 weeks. After several emails went answered tried the phone and after a hell of a lot of pleading the items got dispatched and mysteriously went missing in the post!!! After further pleading and numerous phone calls that lasted over 3 weeks finally got a refund minus paypal charges. NEVER AGAIN

-Firas 1978


Yes, once again aside from the small diff. between me and SPLASH they hardly ever seemed to honor their commitments and i honored each and every one of my commitments EVEN at a loss, we are exactly the same geniuses. Anyways i didnt come here to vent my anger as some people seem to think nor to cry about my losses to anyone despite the fact that my losses seem to exceed the losses of all the people in this forum put together:)..and it would have been interesting to see had the positions been reversed how many people would have `taken it on the chin` about being called greedy and what not after the Splash fiasco:)...i only came here to see if there were any practical solutions or course of actions i could follow, instead what i found was a highly cynical and in some cases even idiotic bunch of people wasting time to ind out if tax violations took place, others who tried to completely b...h out the profession of selling altogether!!!:)..on a more positive note i would like to thank the others from the bottom of my heart who forwarded me emails and pointed all of us in need of help towards the right directions by keeping us up to date so selflessly with any notifications they recieved regarding splash insolvencies. they acted in the true spirit of this forum. To the others i would just like to say its all easy to be moral and judgmental when you have lost £6 try being the same when youve lost a £1000 through no fault of your own. On a seperate one thing i stand accused of i might just be guilty of ..and thats offering for sale an item i was assured would be dispatched within 24 hours from what i thought at that time was a professional company, yes i should have had the goods in my hand before i put them on sale BUT NO that does not even put me close to being in the same league as splash as they were robbing people blindly under the banner of on line retailing, i chose to fulfill my obilgation despite incurring heavy losses. Im outta long everybody.

-Firas 1978

This item was edited on Thursday, 20th May 2004, 13:36


errr...whats the topic of this particular forum again?:)...taxes being paid on time for students who are exempt from taxes for the first £2000 or so, they make anyways?:) or is it the greed of the capitalist world in allowing a practice as immoral as business for profit to allow to go on over the years?!!..for the last time.. on MY side ive taken care of any liable taxes, duties VAT`s, unpaid bills, duty towards the business community in general, now how about getting back to the ballgame?:), which was if i remember correctly SPLASH ripping of numerous people and carrying out its dodgy activities for so long and going unpunished for it...lets not make it Faraz the greedy rascal who made a quid or two on the side to support himself nevermind that HE got ripped off, but its his innocent customers who are the real victims?!he does not have any moral rights for he was doing something no one else has ever dared do before, buy stuff and sell them at a minimal profit?

-Firas 1978

This item was edited on Thursday, 20th May 2004, 13:36


looooooool[at]yltsenoh..ytsew dont exactly know what more i can say, im stupid coz i said i want my money back after being ripped off by a fraud company?:) and have the audacity to actually have faith in a so called professional online retailers claim of dispatch within 24 hours on an item and based on that, listing items on an auction?:)..paying for it in full not recieving any goods for ever and wanting a refund of money back seems like the ultimate sin round here:)..and whats more in westy`s esteemed judgement not having enough financial resources yet honoring all my commitments makes me as bad as SPLASH!:)..IF ONLY THEY WERE GUILTY OF THE SAME CRIME:) nothing more to say..thanks for your views anyways.

-Firas 1978

This item was edited on Thursday, 20th May 2004, 13:36


THREEE CHEERS TO IAN for finally getting a conclusive email reply out of the splash dvd and co. gang..I beg of you not to delete this email and would appreciate if you could forward it on to me on my email address so that i can hold it as proof as the company owes me in excess of £650 so this might come in handy for me, even though £250 off that would be losing out on a significant amount, still something is better than nothing. Thanks for your contribution.

-Firas 1978

This item was edited on Thursday, 20th May 2004, 13:34


To all the extra `sensitive` people to my situation:
Im pretty surprised at these lovely comments such as `you got greedy` and wanted to buy from splash and sell elsewhere on ebay!!!a) How is that any of your freaking business??? b) If thats cheap, greedy, all the lovely things you say it is then i guess so is every high street retailer that buys for cheaper and sells at a profit?:)..or did a genius like you think that places like hmv, amazon,, were doing charity ?:) here is something you might not be aware off, this is what people call doing business buying and selling whilst making a profit. Any for loopieloo well no surpises there only an ex employee of splash could have the audacity to still sound as righteous as your are sounding, im skint coz im a student who was making money on the side to get by, atleast im doing something moral, legal and professional with my life, not sitting 24-7 on a phone sucking people`s money in with both hands with my extra raspy and reassuring tones and making my living out of that, every single one of my 200 plus customers has been more than satisfied on ebay my 100% feedback is proof of that... which is more than splash or any of its employees can say for themselves, wouldnt you say? Anyhow my position is bad coz 670 odd quids just disapeared overnight from my account and in return not only did i get no items no refunds but also had to fulfill the orders that people placed with me by buying the same orders again at highstreet prices which cost me almost double of that 670 as well..i dont know what kind of students you know but in my world thats a hell of a lot of money to lose..

-Firas 1978

This item was edited on Thursday, 20th May 2004, 13:35


Chewie what happened was that i listed as one of my auctions on ebay Stargate Seasons 1-5 DVD Boxsets for sale 4 copies of each, all of them were purchased as i kept very little profit margin for myself, i relied in the blessed Splash DVD to deliver the goods for me, after recieving the money for the purchased items i could only let my customers wait that long without posting the goods to them, after a while i gave up waiting and ordered them from elsewhere for absolutely no profit, cancelled my order from splash and told them to refund it immediately, they had no problems with it or so it seemed, i only paid to the other supplier with the express guarantee by splash dvd rep`s that my money was about to be refunded !!! instead of making a profit i have ended up losing round about £700!!!i really dont know what to do...

-Firas 1978

This item was edited on Thursday, 20th May 2004, 13:37


Bro. keeping it REAL, rather than might think it sounds too far fetched but i didnt keep into the equation that this co. will actually go bankrupt my family doesnt support me so i have to buy and sell bulk loads on ebay, every business carries a risk of a few days delay in money items etc. but my mistake was that i didnt take a financial scam into account..i really am in dire straights im willing to put it any way it takes just to get my money back.
-Firas 1978

This item was edited on Thursday, 20th May 2004, 13:37


Loopieloo2 or whatever your real name is i have a question for you lets says you werent aware of the companies financial problems, how am i to believe that the people answering the phone werent in on it, when ive been given these kind of lines as late as Friday 430 PM "Sir, your refunds have already been processed as of 1st of march and it should go through to your account either at the end of the working day today or monday first thing", ME: Are you sure of that? SPLASH REP: ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE SIR, ME: SO THERE CAN BE NO UNFORSEEN SYSTEM FAILURES THAT CAN PREVENT THIS FROM HAPPENING SPLASH REP: NO SIR NO CHANCE! ME: I CALLED ON MONDAY AND A LADE CALLED `PEANNE` TOLD ME SHE HAS ALREADY PROCESSED THE REFUND IS THAT A FACT?, SPLASH REP: YES SIR THATS RIGHT I CAN SEE IT ON MY SCREEN THAT SHE HAS ALREADY PROCESSED THE REFUNDS...As you can see from this lil honest conversation whatever the company did is seperate but giving these kind of false guarantees was a daily routine for every person who answered calls as well after all how can the company MD who barged in, prevent you or anyone else from processing a refund or prevent it from going through 8 days after it was supposedly processed?:)...this is coming from a guy who has most probably lost £664.79 to a fraud company so pls. dont give me some old wives tale of how its hard for you to pay your bills as of today i have 12 pounds to spend in my account (Im a freaking student) you are thinking about bills im making phone calls to everyone i know to find a way to buy my next MEAL ...WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT???IM GONNA FOLLOW EVERYONE INVOLVED IN THIS SCAM TILL THERE IS A LAST OUNCE OF BREATH LEFT IN MY BODY ...MD, SALED REP. CUSTOMER SERVICES one and all...

-Firas 1978

This item was edited on Thursday, 20th May 2004, 13:37


Hi, I do not know my legal rights over getting scammed this bad by an online company in fact its the first time ive been conned in my entire life. i can tell you its far from being pleasant, especially if the amount in which you been conned totals £664.79!!!That is what Splash has done to me, despite repeated guarantees in every phone call i managed to get in touch with them that my refunds have been processed, and words like "i assure you sir, as we speak the refunds our going through it ll appear in your account early next week" this reply came after the normal 3-5 working day line in the last exasperated phone call of mine. Next thing i know the damn compan is out of business and there is no way left of getting in touch with them anymore, PLS. PLS. any one who has any idea of what i can do to get my money back pls. advise do i have to show up for their liduidation meeting? (If it occurs at all that is), isnt there any other way?

P.S i have already approached natwest bank and they said they dont insure me for fraud or in case the company has gone financially bust!!!

-Firas 1978

This item was edited on Thursday, 20th May 2004, 13:34