Info and forum posts by 'muffking'

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Joined on: Tuesday, 24th February 2004, 21:24, Last used: Tuesday, 24th February 2004, 21:24

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 19 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Anti screen burn

pioneerman : All you need is a bright white bar which keeps going along the screen, then you can stick it in a loop for a few hours. Try recording the video output of an old Grandstand video game via a DVD recorder.

Unlikely to work

Generally it can`t be done as they usually are programed to work with a certain amount of space. You would probably find that if you fitted a larger HDD then you would still only be able to use the same amount of space as the original drive.

RE: Advice on Video Camera

You will need to spend a large part of your budget to get anywhere near 16:9, but you should be able to pick up an end of the line Panasonic NV-MX350 Mini DV camcorder forclose to £500, which boasts anamorphic 16:9 and 3 large CCD`s.


It`s feedback via the SCART, but let me get this right in my own head. AV1 on the DVD recorder is connected to the TV? Therefore The DVD recorder is watching whatever the TV is displaying, which is a blank AV channel when the SKY box is in standby, meaning that the DVD recorder is then watching the blank signal which it is outputting to the TV and hence causing feedback as it loops audio and video to the TV and back again.
Best advice in this case is to make sure the SKY box is connected to AV2 on the DVD recorder and leave the recorder on AV2. The TV will then accept RGB from both DVD recorder and SKY box while allowing you to watch DVD playback in RGB aswell :)

RE: DMR E50/60 Different specs for EB, EBS, EBSM

I`m sure that would go down well with the DVD Forum Mke :D

Fuel in the fire

I`m gonna add some fuel to the fire here.
You can now sign up for subscription channels via a digital terrestrial reciever.
I`ll leave you guys to fill in the what`s, how`s, & why not`s, as i`ve got writers cramp, but i`ll give you a keyword to find out more info.

RE: DVD-RW machines with in-built HDD

Dunno about -RW, but RAM offers a few solutions.

DMR-E50: No HDD, but does allow External Link control from the Personal Planner of a SKY box.

DMR-HS2/DMR-E100: Have HDD`s and DVD-RAM recording with the same External Link as the DMR-E50.

Don`t lose faith, new technology prevails

I have to say that the information printed on their site regarding life span is out of date.
All Panasonic panels for the last 3 years for example have a half life of 30,000 hrs, which equates to 10 years at 8 hrs per day.
Also, Plasma, unlike CRT, will retain most of it`s original brightness levels for the first 2/3rds of it`s life, where as CRT brigtness starts to tail off from first switch on.

Obviously when Plasma was first introduced into the UK TV market there were reservations about lifespan, but there was bound to be for a 10 grand TV which was only expected to last a couple of years, but we are 6 years on from those sort of figures. Infact Plasma panels have been around in the UK since 1994 and we all know how fast technology keeps moving these days.

One of you also mentioned LCD as an alternative, although limited screen size doesn`t make it a fair comparison, but Plasma is far less problematic where pixel dropout is concerned, but I suppose that`s another story.

RE: Help!! is my T.V. going to the Tip !!

Field (or Frame) collapse is where the picture collapses verically. If the line transformer fails then the set could come in from the sides, but as most line tranformers also send power to other parts of the TV, the TV usually goes dead.

CS: can you clear up if the picture is 10" shorter in width or in height?

RE: Panasonic NV-VHD1B / FAULT F498

F498 relates to faulty EPROM or dry joints on EPROM. Take it to any reputable Panasonic service dealer who should be able to sort it for around 1hr labour + part (if required).

I`ll answer this one then :-D

There are 2 ways to check the time remaining on all Panasonic DVD recorders.

1. Go in to the "Functions" - "Disk Information" menu.

2. Or select the STATUS button on the handset and look at the OSD on the TV.

RE: DVD-R Recorder speeds

It doesn`t matter which ones you use `cos the E50 records in real time anyway.

RE: no sound please help re-Panasonic E50

I presume it`s a DVB TV then :-)
Go in to the DVD recorder Functions - Setup - Connections menu and change the last AV2 setting to External Link 2. Then make sure that you are connecting AV2 on the E50 to AV2 on the TV. Then make a test recording with the TV switched on before trying it again with the TV in standby :-)

RE: Best bargain on a DVD recorder?

Problem with the Philips is the format is rather limited.

RE: Panasonic DVD Recorder - Can you?

No zoom, but PDC exists with the V+ on all models (not that I know anyone using it).

Panasonic DVD-S75 (£99)

I haven`t read all the replies, so I appologise if anyone has already mentioned this model.
But the Panasonic DVD-S75 is well spec`dand is a good looking slimline player.
It plays:-

And even has a component video output for PAL interlaced or NTSC progressive playback.

RE: E-50 DVD Recorder problem.

When you say that the sound is there during the recording process, I presume that you are definately monitoring the sound and video from the recorder rather than the player???

RE: TV/DVD/SAT - now wanna add VCR with 2 free scarts on VCR

I`m surprised that you cannot record a SKY channel (other than a movie channel), as this is one of the main reasons for having a VCR with 2 SCART`s. Just make sure that the SKY box is set to output composite video as you may have it set to RGB from when it was connected directly to the TV, and your VCR may not be able to record RGB. But basically, your VCR should be able to record SKY as long as you are able to watch SKY though the VCR ok when the TV is set to the VCR channel.

Try composite video

As Taff says, the American TV won`t have a SCART as it is a european connection. An RF connection won`t work either, as the USA TV will not accept a PAL RF signal.

Try using your scart to phono cable again, but make sure that you set the SKY box to output composite video instead of RGB as RGB cannot be sent down a SCART-phono cable.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 24th February 2004, 21:32