Info and forum posts by 'Mike F'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 16th February 2004, 22:40, Last used: Monday, 16th February 2004, 22:40

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: Journalist who got ripped of and wants to warn others.

This user has posted a total of 2 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: BTC 8 Speed DVD Writer

I have owned two of these damned things. There are no instructions in the box, no manufacturer`s website to go to for help or advice and The Computer Store staff don`t know what they are talking about. They don`t even speak English too well. The first drive I bought would not work at all and skipped like mad with CDs. The firm swapped it for another one which seemed to work at first. However, out of 13 discs (good quality branded ones) I have so far had two successful burns. The supplied software does not work with the drive and has to be updated, but this has made no difference. I have wasted hours trying to get this thing to work. I am getting rid of it (in the bin if necessary) and I thinking of buying a Sony DW-u14a to replace it. I would not recommend the BTC and I suspect some of the rave reviews I have seen on websites have been posted by people with a vested interest as they admit the thing doesn`t work well but insist it is good value anyway! Duh.

RE: help with BTC dual writer

>:( I have had two of these drives and they are junk. The first one skipped like mad with CDs and I suffered endless error messages when trying to burn DVDs. Eventually I got the the store to swap it for another one. At first it seemed to work but I still ended up with dud DVDs. I thought it was because it was fussy about which media I used and so I bought several different brands and tried them. But it still works erratically. Sometimes it works - sometimes it doesn`t. I have now wasted so much money on DVD media I could have bought a Sony multiwrite drive. The strange thing is when you look on review sites people will admit it doesn`t work and still give it five stars. It is as if they are so pleased with getting a bargain that they don`t care. One guy admitted he had ended up with eight coasters and the supplied software didn`t work but gave it five stars - at around £2.50 a time that means he had wasted £20 on blank DVDs and thought it was a bargain! I think he must work for The Computer Store.Cut your losses and buy something else.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 17th February 2004, 03:50