Info and forum posts by 'babyfaceuk'

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Joined on: Wednesday, 3rd December 2003, 18:33, Last used: Wednesday, 3rd December 2003, 18:33

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 16 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

For Sale: Thomson DTI500 Digital Receiver - Brand New & Sealed! £39.99 each

I have 9 left of these for sale. They retail for around £70 brand new in shops. I`ve sold many of these on eBay. Click the link below (or copy and paste) to view the item in more detail and to buy now.
If you wish to buy outside of eBay then please contact me. - Any good?

Power Play Direct have an almost identical layout and design as I found this site through Google and their prices are similar to Play but has anybody used these before and are they any good?

The Award For The Most Expensive DVD Retailer In The World, Goes To...

So far, I have found this one to be the most expensive dvd retailer ever. Matrix Reloaded (2 discs) £29.49, anyone? I don`t think so. I`ll just pop into MVC and get it for £10.99
They also have Buffy Season 7 for £85.95 which I think is way above the RRP and I just found Gladiator at £26.95 (£8.99 at 101cd).

Anybody else got another site that you think beats these prices (for most expensive)?

VR-5 - Available anywhere on DVD?

I`ve been trying to find VR-5 on dvd but can`t find it anywhere. Does anybody know if this is available to buy? It`s an old tv series that used to be on the sci-fi channel.

Cheapest price for Xbox console only

Anybody know where the cheapest place is to buy an xbox? I just want the xbox, nothing else. If anybody has one to sell then let me know.

Looking for Thomson PDP2860 Video/Mp3 Player

This new mp3/video player from Thomson looks great I think it`s only just come out but I can`t find it anywhere in the UK. Does anybody know where I can get one from?

This item was edited on Saturday, 10th January 2004, 20:03

Angel Season 4 DVD ordered at £47.99 now £59.99?? - regarding

I recently pro-ordered the above boxset from which was advertised at £47.99. I have just been back there to check the price was still the same but they are now advertising it at £59.99.
I just checked my account and it is still on pre-order at £47.99. Should I still get this at the price I have already been chagred or will Ithey charge me the full price of £59.99?
Anybody had anything like this happen to them before?

RE: Are there any pubs in Florida?

There is an English pub in Florida. It`s in Epcot. You`re not too far from it if your stopping at International Drive. I can`t remember the name of the pub but they have all the usual lagers and everything you get here and they do some great meals too! Plus, there`s a great spot where you can sit and watch the fireworks while having a beer. You`re going to have a fantastic time, the best holiday ever, it will be my 3rd time when I go back in July.

RE: Angel Season 4 DVD - 1st March 2004

Yeah, I might do too. Especially at that price. They are usually £59.99 each so Im wondering if they have the correct price. Does anyboy know, if I pre-order this dvd now at £47.99 and it turns out the dvd should actually be £59.99 would I be charged the newer price or am I entitled to get it at the price that it was first advertised at?
I must admit, Im a big Angel/Buffy fan and have them all on dvd so far! hehe.
Merry Christmas!

RE: Which is the cheapest place for Verbatims DVD-R X4 & also any brand DVD-RW?

Try or
Or there is always e-bay. I just bought 3 Verbatim DVD+RW for £6.00 which isn`t bad. I`ve seen them go for just £3 or £4, some people are just lucky I guess. - Import costs will apply as from yesterday, 22nd December 2003

I`ve just read in that someone contacted DVDSoon to see if it was true about their £12.99 tag on all their dvds so it passes customs.
Well customs have been in contact with DVDSoon and as of yesterday, 22nd December 2003, they have to declare the correct value of all their items, so you are likely to be charged customs if anybody had recently ordered anything from them.
If anybody can confirm this as I`m just repeating what was said in the newsgroup so it might not be true.

RE: The Bad Retailers Thread - Post Your Rants Here

I`ve used in the past and have never had any real problems with them.
I don`t them so much now because I`ve found things cheaper elsewhere. But a few months ago I did make a complaint to them. I ordered some blank Datawrite dvds but they sent me bulkpaq instead. I e-mailed them and explained the situation but they never did reply. I wasn`t really that bothered about it because they did the job I wanted them to do anyway. But the fact they didn`t even acknowledge me made me change my attitude towards them so I haven`t used them since.
I`ve never understood why they label everyting as "Aries" either. and - any good?

Their prices arn`t bad, you cna get some unusal stuff here and they offer free shipping to thew uk. Anyone used these and are they any good?

dvdsoon - custom charges for delivery within the uk


I`m thinking of buying Alien Quadrilogy form but having never used them before I was wondergin if I will be charge custom fees in the uk? If so, how much is it?

Thanks in advance