Info and forum posts by 'leodr'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 27th October 2003, 04:10, Last used: Monday, 27th October 2003, 04:10

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 1 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Region hack needed for GVG DV-995


i`ve tried the hack but no such luck m8.
i think there is something wrong in the description you posted, since the menu in the dv-995 (by the way, it`s manufactured by lyns in taiwan) it`s not sideways (horizontal) but in vertical:

[*]General Setup
[*]Speaker Setup
[*]Audio Setup
[*]Karaoke Setup
[*]----Blank spot-----
[*]Exit Setup
i`ve tried in several ways and combos to check if the hack would work, but no.
so what i ask is if it`s possible for to run me down once again the hack so that i can make sure i didn`t loose a thing.

Tnx m8 8)
