Info and forum posts by 'TomTheCabinboy'

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Joined on: Monday, 29th September 2003, 19:31, Last used: Monday, 29th September 2003, 19:31

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This user has posted a total of 76 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.07 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Only certain stores have `em...


I have just had a wee look at (I assume) the finished instructions of how to hack the Tevion or other players. Apart from us driving over to your house and doing it for you I do not think Jeremy could have done a more stunning job. Also hes hosting all this on his very own server.

So I reckon we ALL need to give him a standing ovation in the forum and personally thank him AS HES NOT EVEN GOT A FLIPPIN TEVION!!!! LMAO

Way to go Jeremy


RE: Only certain stores have `em...


I have just uploaded my final two piccys to Jeremy. So I imagine once he has the time they will be on his site.
Just as an idea of costs. I reckon you cam make the rig for less than 3 quid. I paid about 7 but I bought verro board and plastic shlees for all my lead ends etc etc. I have made something that will last. BUT I know Jeremy made his rig out of paper clips. LMAO But hey it worked

I still havnt seen what hes put on the site yet but I am sure it will help.
I am also happy to answer any questions one you all get going. We can still work as a team till we are all done :-)


RE: Only certain stores have `em...


Hell, why not ? Not everyone (ad I include myself here) is a dabhand with DIY electronics.

As long as it wasn`t overpriced, I can`t see why not !

Hey if I can build one. THEN U can :-)

its peasy


RE: Only certain stores have `em...

Woooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
We have lift off!!!!

Hacks ahoy.

ALL I can say though is Jeremy is deffo the MAN!!!! He is pure genuis.

I would also like to thank him publicly for all his hard work and the time spent in doing this.



PS also eveyone that has helped to blaze this trail too. I have really enjoyed sluthing this one. THANKS to everyone!!

RE: Only certain stores have `em...

Woooooo Hooooooooooo

I am currently online with Jeremy

The boy is a genius. I am currently looking at the contents of a HEX dump that I have just dld from my DVD player. I have bits of wire, transistors , resistors d plugs and I am currently chatting with my DVD player LMAO

After a couple of false starts which I will attriubute to either Static interference or maybe the fact I soldered the tranny wrong way round LMAO. I can now dump the contents of the setting eprom to my laptop. So by changing 1 at a time and a process of elimination
we reckon that i can be sussed.

BUT I reckon it will be pain staking.

Anyway I am all fired up again and mabe there is some light at the end of the tunnel.

I will keep you all informed as usual


RE: Only certain stores have `em...

Your wrist is obviously not as strong as mine ;-) ;-) ;-)

What film is it?? Is it a newish one? Is it an RCE disk? Does it end up at a 2d map of the world?

Have you tried any other Reg 1 films?

I have only tried 2. 1 Works and 1 doesnt.


RE: Only certain stores have `em...

Clayts CHECK this out!!!! :-)


This item was edited on Saturday, 18th October 2003, 20:51

RE: Only certain stores have `em...

And why didnt you get one for the 28 day HACK b4 U returned it ;-) ;-) ;-)


RE: Only certain stores have `em...

There we go. Clayts is always ahead of the game!! :-)

And the Hack is Clayts???????

LMAO ;-)


RE: Only certain stores have `em...

OK I will see what I can come up with. Currently the screws do not live in my player :-).

I too have a camcorder that actually takes pictueres as well. So I will see if thats any better.

Also the pictures you have shown me re ur link referer to a MT1388E. Havnt we already decided that it is a MT1379???

Have you had any joy tracking down the menu screens?

Also Jerimiah check out this link. This is the one that we feel has manufactured it.

I have emailed this compang a few times now. They responded once and sent me a hack but it didnt work. Since then any emails I have sent have been ignored :-(

Also to corrrect a mistake I made earlier. Clayts is right :-) LMAO LMAO I have just seen the latest Aldi brochure and they are about to release a Tevion dvd player only ie not a Home Theatre one. And yes it is 37.99 LMAO LMAO

I wonder if there will be any similarities to the HT95. IT looks exceedingly similar excpet it has a little turny thing at the front. I think thats probably a Karaoke knob. Also it has a slight variation in the patterning on the volume control.
There is a model number on the front which is. SR-9480. BUT I am reading that off the picture in the flyer and its sooooo very tiny, thats what it looks like.


RE: Only certain stores have `em...

I can not even get my HT95 to play Region 1 by repetedly pressing the number one key?

Hi max. I have got this one working. How R U doing it??

How I do it is. PUT the disk in and close the draw. THEN keep pressing the "1" button repeatedly as fast as you flippin can and I mean fast. KE¦EP doing that till the film starts.

Try that


RE: Only certain stores have `em...

Anyway maybe Tom will be able to enlighten us with his better pictures.

I have tried. BUT I still dont think they are clear enuff. I am not sure what to do now. Maybe my camera just is not up to it. Any other ideas. If you point out a chip I will jot down all the numbers if it helps.


RE: Only certain stores have `em...

Hi Clayts

I have already emailed the Pics to Jeremiah. I will try my damndest to take another this weekend in full daylight and try take a better quality ONE ok

if I am able I will email you it. What it shows you I have no idea. BUT it might just be worth a punt OK


RE: Only certain stores have `em...

I have tried the above ideas Jerimiah

BUT to know avail :-(

Tell you another thought I had this eveing, was to play around with the password!! I reado on one site that to get to the hack menu, you had to turn the passowrd OFF and set the film rating to something specific. IT didnt work. BUT tonight I set the password to 1379. Sadly it didnt work either, but it might inspire some other ideas.

I still keep trying the odd burst of random buton pressing. My worst nightmare is to discover it without knowing the buttons pressed LMAO :-D


RE: Only certain stores have `em...


I still havnt given UP. :-) I still have the player and I am deffo keeping it. OK
Infact today I went in to a shop near where I work. They reckon thay can crack owt.
BUT when I got chatting with them, they soon realised I knew more than they did. LMAO LMAO :-D

Anyway you might notice Jerimiah contributing. Like I said I have been sending loads and loads of emails out. NOW he is on the case too. :-)

Many hands make light work and all that.

Check out this link too.


RE: Only certain stores have `em...

Clayts is there anything else I can investigate. I have spent all day today going round and round in cirlcles. I have read so much today but just got nowhere :-(

I have also emailed a few people direct and been real blunt!!!




RE: Sound Familiar????????????? :-(

YES I knew that LMAO.
Its a different DVD I know but sounds like same chipset with same hacks.
I was just reading the Apex forums on nerds out thats all for any missed clue.


RE: Sound Familiar????????????? :-(

Re the BUTTON press frantaicly method. Is there any RCE disks to work???


Sound Familiar????????????? :-(

There is no known way to make the AD-1010W or AD-1110W truly "region-free"
or "VCR-friendly".

However, it may be possible to "force" your player to be region-free. More details below.

And, in the case of the AD-1010W, some units come with VCD support
disabled from the factory. VCD-enabled firmware from the AD-1110W (yes, 1110W, not 1010W) is available, and can be loaded on the VCD-disabled AD-1010W units,
in order to gain VCD support. See below.


There is no "true" way to make this player region-free. There is a workaround method which "forces" the player to read discs from other regions.
However, there are a LOT of limitations involved.

Before doing anything, go into the PREFERENCE SETUP menu and change the various options (i.e. AUDIO, SUBTITLE, etc.) to the settings that you desire. You won`t be able to change these options once the disc starts playing.

The "force" method is as follows:

1. Open the disc tray

2. Place your DVD on the tray.

3. Close the disc tray.

4. While you see the words "LOADING" on the screen, try pushing ONE of the following buttons repeatedly, very quickly:


5. If the trick works - and there`s no guarantee that it will - the DVD will start playing, with the word WRONG REGION in the upper left corner.

If the button you pushed does not work, repeat the
process trying one of the other buttons on the list.

To get rid of the WRONG REGION message, push the P/N button on the remote 3 times. (You will probably see the "Stop" symbol in the upper right corner after doing this - there`s no known way to get rid of this symbol, but it`s more bearable than WRONG REGION.)

Besides P/N, the only other buttons that will function while the DVD is playing are:

Arrow keys/ENTER (only when inside the setup menu)

In order to stop the DVD, you must push EJECT or turn off the Power.

RE: Well, here`s my solution which cost me 10 quid.

LMAO LMAO :-D THANKS!!! Thats funny that :-)

No I think I am stuck with the tevion. I do reckon in the next 6 months the Hack will appear. I suppose I will just have to wait.
I reckon I can get Normal Region 1`s to play by the 111111111111111111111 method.
BUT Its the RCE thats the bummer. BUT even the 111111111111111 method is a pain as no other button works. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Anyway PLzzzzzzz dont say sorry Clayts, U have been a flippin marvel!!!!! My only regret was not knowing U before, so asking your advice as to which system I should have bought. I was/am totaly new to DVD and this was my first foray in to it. So far I have been really really pleased. BUT my next purchase is going to be a Pioneer A06 DVD writer. Unless someone advises me otherwise.
So I was kinda hoping I could play regions 1`s. But hey ho life goes on.

Soooooooo thanks everso much Clayts and you dont even have one either. I will keep looking and searching and I am sure one day somthing will turn up.

I have tried your other two hacks but nothing!! Also I have re emailed Arlink but no response.

I suppose we should keep an eye on the market other 1379 players must come on the market.

BTW has anyone emailed Mediatek????????????



RE: Well, here`s my solution which cost me 10 quid.

I have tried all my local Safeways. They seem to know nothing about it.
ANY more suggestions??

Also I have tried the extra HAcks Clayts posted and to no avail. :o((


RE: multi region hack req`d


Dont you read?

Do a search this has been posted numerous times!!


RE: Well, here`s my solution which cost me 10 quid.

Re Lenoxx HT 600
I would still like to know Does it play VCD`s? or SVCd`s

OOppsss now I am posting off topic LMAO

Does anyone get the feeling I am wavering LMAO


All I want to do is play Region 1 disks Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

RE: Well, here`s my solution which cost me 10 quid.

TAKE THE HT95 BACK TO ALDI AND GO BUY THE LENOXX HT600. Best (extra) 10 quid I ever spent. The region hack code is here: and it worked for me (though I haven`t actually tried playing a regionalised DVD yet ).

What disks can you play with it??

Music CD?
DVD -R??


RE: Need a multi region hack for a TEVION HT95

Hi clayts

I had read this a few dyas ago, BUT I had kinda dismmised it on a few counts.

Firstly the hack is not exactly identical ie


Whereas the hack we have is 1379 etc etc

Also what is Ronin?? Is it a DVD player? Have we seen one? And is the menu the same??

Also why would someone put a hidden menu in, in the first place and then have it not work?? Its sort of contradictory. Also Why would they put a menu system in lock it AND then offer a firmware upgrade to get round the locking??

ALSO in my manual it does say that the DVD has an upradable CPU which I took to mean a chinese traslation of Firmware upgradable.

Also are we deffinatly sure that these boxes are made by Arlink?? Could Arlink rebadge them? What proof do we have that they are Arlink??


RE: Need a multi region hack for a TEVION HT95

I am searching the Web as we speak for the crown lihennk but no joy yet.

Can we all try and find Jpegs of menu screens too. Because the Tevion has very definate setup menu screens. The nearest I have seen is the goodman shots that Clayts brought to out attention.

If we can track them down then I reckon we are a step further.


RE: Need a multi region hack for a TEVION HT95

Is there anyway of finding out who actually manufactured this thing in the first place??


RE: Need a multi region hack for a TEVION HT95

Hi Clayts

Your right!!
I did though print out your huge list on my colour laser and sit and try them all one by one. BUT what I didnt do was try variations of each one :-(

I suppose if I saw even a tiny flicker that something was happening it would help. I also suppose thats why I keep returning to the Setup, Pref Menu, 1379one, beacuse at least it does something.

Also tonight I thought I had a lead coz I read on one site re a hack not working. Someone had said try turning your password off and changing parental to something else. I tried that BUT to no avail. Maybe I might try your list again now that my password and aprental have been change.

At the mo I am looking for different hack sites with huge forums.


RE: Need a multi region hack for a TEVION HT95

Thanks clayts. Once again you have suppassed yourself.
I haved just sat there and typed them all in :- AND nope not a dickiebird. :-(
BUT thanks for the list.

the conversations between tom and clay, i can tell u both this much, i get the distinct feeling that nothing at all does anything except the setup/prefrences/1379.

trying anything else at all does absolutly nothing and i do mean nothing.

the real thing i do feel thow is we just need to get to access the region 2 menu.
if u had a screeny u would see that the prefrences menu above is still highlted with the selection icon, were as the box with the region 2 in it is a large grey box that really to me looks like you need to highlight it some way (this is the major stumbling block i feel), and then when its highlighted then and only then will you be able to change the regions.

I fully agree with TOZ here. NOTHING AND I MEAN NOTHING seems to work except.

Select Prefmenu

Also if you read the blurb around 99% of the hacks they say. "Go DOWN and select"

This menu system is a horizontal menu system and really anything that says go down simply does not do anything. So we need to find something that says go across.

Also what I have noticed is that google does not seem to find much where asif you can find a hack site then you can search more. So maybe we need to just search for well used hack sites with forums. eg Area450 ;-) BUT seeing as we have the main man here then maybe it will have to be an inferior site :-D


Right I am off searching and reading

Catch ya later