Info and forum posts by 'SilverWhistle'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 29th October 2000, 10:13, Last used: Sunday, 29th October 2000, 10:13

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: Historian who likes dissecting historical movies

This user has posted a total of 3 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

MATSUI v. `THE PATRIOT`/Region Code Enhancement

I got the DVD of `The Patriot` today, having heard all about it being the first of a batch of Region Code Enhanced discs.
I put it in my cheap-but-cheerful, hand-set-hacked, Region-free Matsui 110, expecting to see a blank screen and to have to manually re-set to Region 1.
I didn`t need to. It plays like a dream, no problem. The menu on the disc is a bit fiddly - the special features run onto 2 pages and some people have been overlooking the deleted scenes as a result, but it works OK!
Doc M

RE: Just ordered the Patriot from US to test on the newest 750S

Dear Graeme,
I`m a Scot, and a professional historian, and thought `Braveheart` was historically was one of the worst films I`ve ever seen in misrepresenting the characters, material culture, geography, chronology &c. (Where was King John? Where was Andrew Moray? Why was Wallace wearing a kilt, painted blue and living in a Hobbit village?)
And given that the British Army (not `English`) in the American War was around a quarter Scots (including some of the most impressive field officers), with a fair no. of Irish too, and that many of the Loyal American settlers were also Scots (and ended up as refugees - some of my own family included), I think we`ve reason to be pretty miffed at `The Patriot` too.
Doc M

RE: Just ordered the Patriot from US to test on the newest 750S

I too have ordered this disc, and am wondering if anyone has heard how it performs on a Matsui-110?
I have set mine to multiregion, but can manually reset to R-1 if necessary.
Yes, as a historian specialising in the period covered, I can safely say the film was appalling propaganda. On the other hand, I went into it rooting for our guys anyway... Jason Isaacs swashbuckles splendidly!

Doc M