Info and forum posts by 'Stato_uk'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 14th May 2003, 17:46, Last used: Wednesday, 14th May 2003, 17:46

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 7 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Another cheapo DVD player

I`m sorry The Falcon but I don`t particularly care for your attitude. I was mearly pointing out to you that not everybody wants or even can afford to buy a decent mid-priced player for their kids and as for knowing or not knowing you that was just a figure of speech and to be honest I`m glad I don`t. Now that DVD has gone into the mainstream these kind of prices will be more and more common so if you don`t want to see them, well get yourself a guide dog.

Also how you have jumped to the assumption that I am going out to buy one of these players I don`t know. As mentioned in my post Asda is probably the place I would go IF I was looking to buy a budget player.

By the way what car do you drive? because if you`re not prepared to drive an Aston Martin, why bother?

This is the bargain buckets forum and is for all bargains/freebies etc. which other users kindly spend their time to inform others of their finds - not to be mocked.

As for your comment players costing more are built better and last longer, This may be true when being compared to high quality equipment such as Denon, Arcam and Marantz etc. but at the cheaper end of the market, these things are mass produced on a large scale using similar industrial machinery and techniques, and therefore suffer from similar manufacturing flaws as each other.

Also as for having no logic behind my reasoning simple maths can determine that for the £300 you can spend on a good quality player you can have 10 cheap £30 players all with the mandatory 12 month guarantee which more than satisfies the needs of a child as used in my original example. I reckon thats at least 11 years worth of DVD viewing for your £300 and thats if they all break down which I would find hard to believe. The practicality of this example is however, far fetched, but the logic is now there for you to see.

So "The Falcon" go and get your laserdisc collection out and and give them a good polish to calm yourself down.

RE: Another cheapo DVD player

A bit harsh The Falcon. Their perfectly ok for the kids bedroom so they can watch toy story etc. Most kids aren`t bothered for crystal clear clarity and audio to suit. Don`t know about you, but why spend £300 or even £100 on a dvd player when you can pick up a player for £30. Asda is probably the best place because they have a 3 year warranty on their electrical goods which when you think about the hammer some kids give stuff, could come in useful.

RE: £2 Off At Splash (Again)

I was in a similar situation to yourself hermy and it was only when I threatened them with trading standards that I got a reply. Still no refund though,

Another bargain at CD-WOW

Speed 2 disc special is now in the end of season sale at cd-wow. go get a £1.50 voucher and pick one up before they disappear. I did.

RE: £2 off Splashdvd

bummer. I`ve just pre-ordered the season 2 of 24 for £30.81 a couple of hours ago. I`ve cancelled my original order and re-ordered with the voucher. Do you think that they will realise and cancel both my orders? If they do I`ll give play my hard earned cash.

RE: Cheap Trainers & Shoes!!!

Got mine today £15 size 10 no probs at all
