Info and forum posts by 'Ben n'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 6th January 2003, 04:27, Last used: Monday, 6th January 2003, 04:27

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 1 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

I saw a hack for the Sony dvp-ns400 (tiresome i know!)

In one of the threads, someone by the name of `Fabricio Breve` offers the hack below.

1) Let your player in STANDBY mode.
2) Then:
- for Region 0: 0 ENTER
- for Region 1: 1 ENTER or UP ENTER
- for Region 2: 2 ENTER or RIGHT ENTER
- for Region 3: 3 ENTER or DOWN ENTER
- for Region 4: 4 ENTER or LEFT ENTER
- for Region 5: 5 ENTER or TITLE ENTER
- for Region 6: 6 ENTER or DVDMENU ENTER
- for Region 7: 7 ENTER or RETURN ENTER
- for Region 8: 8 ENTER or DISPLAY ENTER

Or even easier, type as follows:
TITLE CLEAR POWER ON 0 (or the region number you wish)

To turn off Macrovision:

To turn it on again:

Now, they quote the source as being from

the "DVD Multi" team (

the URL is not functional so I cannot check the legitimacy of this, although I`m am not overly optimistic since this hacking method is the only one of its kind I have seen for the Sony player. Most people in the know, argue that the NS400 can only be hacked by a soldered chip or the solderless method (i.e. by the engineer romote thingy me jig) and I am inclined to believe them - although if the above hack works then great.

What I want to know is - Can anyone confirm this hack?