Info and forum posts by 'Leftfield_2k2'

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Joined on: Thursday, 26th September 2002, 22:42, Last used: Thursday, 26th September 2002, 22:42

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 7 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: PLEASE help put an end too cruelty in the U.K

CPHA believes that there is an overwhelming
case to show that hunting with
dogs is cruel and unnecessary. British law
defines cruelty as the causing of unnecessary
suffering. There is a wealth of evidence to
show that animals suffer when hunted with
The Burns Committee concluded that hunting with dogs
“seriously compromises the welfare” of foxes, deer, hares
and mink. Donald Broom, Professor of Animal Welfare at
Cambridge University, has also examined the available
evidence on hunting with dogs and has concluded that:
“careful shooting or trapping” of fox, mink and hare “will
result in a lower net extent of poor welfare than hunting
with dogs”. In the case of deer he concluded that shooting
“can be conducted in such a way that the welfare of the vast
majority of animals is very much better than that of hunted
deer. If high standards of shooting are achieved, this will
result in a considerably lower net extent of poor welfare
than hunting with dogs”. 1
Where control is perceived to be necessary, the availability
of more humane and effective methods, such as shooting or
trapping, supports the case for a ban on hunting with dogs.
If animals such as cats or dogs were to be chased and killed
by dogs in the same way, those responsible could be
convicted for “causing unnecessary suffering” to an animal.
The International Whaling Commission in its recommendations
for the humane killing of wild mammals states:
“Humane killing means causing the death without pain or
distress perceptible to the animal. Any humane killing
technique aims first to render an animal insensitive to pain
as swiftly as is technically possible”.
It is impossible to reconcile this internationally accepted
statement of principle with prolonged chases, death by the
trauma of the kind that is caused by dogs and protracted
underground encounters between terriers and foxes.
Any pest control method should pass
three tests: necessity, effectiveness and
humaneness. Hunting with dogs passes none
of these tests.

Charlotte Morrissey 2002


RE: PLEASE help put an end too cruelty in the U.K

For people who are still un-sure whether it`s cruel or not goto the following link for some Video Footage of what EXACTLY goes on @ these hunts!

**** YOU MAY FIND DISTURBING ***********************


This item was edited on Saturday, 28th September 2002, 15:55

RE: PLEASE help put an end too cruelty in the U.K

No need too apologise MM, everyones entitled too their opinion.
Whether I agree with it or not is another matter.


RE: PLEASE help put an end too cruelty in the U.K

`Whether you ike it or not, you represent the minority on this`

HOW WRONG are you, 3:1 people in the U.K are in FAVOUR for a complete BAN on hunting with dogs! Just like in Scotland HUNTING will be banned you mark my words.

Their is NO PLACE for HUNTING with dogs in a civilised society!


RE: PLEASE help put an end too cruelty in the U.K

I take it from that reply Stantz that you signed the petition>???

Does anyone know of any other BIG forums that I can goto to try and get some more support???

Cheers for all the help Guyz & Girlz

RE: PLEASE help put an end too cruelty in the U.K

Sorry I don`t understand what your saying?? Status Quo>? I thought that they were a band that played crap music?! lol


PLEASE help put an end too cruelty in the U.K

Hunting with dogs is cruel and unnecessary and has no place in modern Britain.

No one has a right to be cruel to animals. If previous governments had accepted the `civil liberties` logic argued by the pro-hunt lobby, sports such as dog fighting, c0ck fighting, bear baiting and badger baiting would never have been outlawed.

PLEASE help by signing the petition @ the following link!

Don`t worry if your not from the U.K please do still go sign and help increase numbers (only takes a second just asks for name, e-mail & postcode /ZIP!

Thanks ever-so much for your time and support.
