Info and forum posts by 'kinjo'

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Joined on: Sunday, 22nd September 2002, 17:59, Last used: Sunday, 22nd September 2002, 17:59

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: What is life without a little mystery?

This user has posted a total of 22 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Highlander: An object lesson in flogging dead horses.


If you dispise the HIGHLANDER franchise as much as you say you do, why have you chosen to occupy so much of your life with learning the details of every step that it has taken since it began? Your essay was most comprehensive! In addition, if you couldn`t stand the second and third movies, what posessed you to tune-in to ENDGAME on Saturday night? :/


This item was edited on Tuesday, 13th January 2004, 20:49

RE: £3.80 for a baked potato!

Spuds to houses..? Shrinks take note!

RE: RCE Query.

Ta, Dusty!


RCE Query.


Does anybody know whether or not the LG-3000E DVD player is capable of playing back RCE encoded discs?


RE: Do DVD`s die?

I don`t know. I have a bad feeling about this!



Using Windows Media Player, is it possible to copy an audio CD containing merging tracks, without the recorder inserting a two second gap were the track change occurs?


RE: Is the TV Series `Dear John` ever going to be released on DVD?????


I used to love "Dear John" too! Kirk St Moritz being such a cool role model, and all that!

I reckon the show`s DVD release will happen very soon. The archives have obviously been descended upon, and the digital release masters prepared for the VHS editions. It`s just a case of waiting for VHS to become obsolete (not much longer now!), and for these masters to then be recycled for use on the only (shiny) format that remains!

Oh, and I`m glad to see that I wasn`t the only one who took advantage of Woolworths` terrific "Face/Off" DVD bargain!


This item was edited on Wednesday, 9th April 2003, 15:29

Do DVD`s die?

Laserdisc (the great grandfather of DVD) was the tragic victim of a condition known as Laser rot, whereby the picture information on the platter, after a short time, deteriorated to the point of being no longer watchable. Are DVD`s destined to suffer the same fate? Are we - the collectors - investing in a format that, in five years from now, will be nothing more than an expensive pile of coasters?


This item was edited on Tuesday, 8th April 2003, 00:34

RE: The Ipcress File and Brief Encounter- Free!

Is this some elaborate joke that the nation is playing on me? Everybody told me about the offer, but not one copy of the rag that I found contained the disc!


This item was edited on Tuesday, 8th April 2003, 00:14

RE: Is black_chuck....

Dear Shenk,

Right on, matie. I adore movies of all types, and have derived great from this website over the past few months. It’s a great thing to be able to share and compare opinions with like-minded folk of differing age groups, from different backgrounds. I may not agree with every word posted by Black_Chuck, but, then again, I’ve been known to disagree with the Barry Norman’s of this world on numerous occasions without losing a single night’s sleep. Film and reality exist on two separate plains, and the line that divides the two should not be blurred. Let’s retain a little objectivity here, folks!

Oh, and Chuck, never lose your freedom of speech. You go right on reviewing them there discs. I, for one, will always be reading!


Calling all Rick Baker fans..!


Is "The Incredible Melting Man" available on DVD yet?


RE: Help: Highlander: The Immortal Edition

Hi Mill!

The answer is Yes! "The Immortal Edition" trumps all previously released versions of the movie in terms of both picture and sound. Trust me, I speak from experience!


RE: Easter Eggs - Are they worth it?

Hi there!

If you have the beautifully remastered "Rocky: 25th Anniversary Edition", go to the main menu, press the "up" key on your handset and select the pink "Rocky" logo that should appear on the top right of the screen. Doing this will take you to the amusing "Stallone Meets Rocky" spot.

Oh, and I`m glad somebody else loves "The Keep"!


RE: Help: Highlander: The Immortal Edition

G`day, Mr Shenk,

I must concur with your last posting regarding "Highlander: The Immortal Edition". This is indeed the first time the movie has been presented in an anamorpically enhanced form, the first time the audio has been presented in DTS-ES, the first time the teaser trailer has been included as an extra on any format, the first time the tie-in music videos have featured in the package, and...yes, you guessed it, the first time that an exclusive CD of the Queen songs from the soundtrack has been included as a companion to the DVD.

The previous, horrendously sub-standard release may have been a rip off, but this purchase is a kind of magic!


"THE KEEP" - Weird or Wonderful?

Hi all!

Michael Mann`s second feature "The Keep" is notorious for polarising critical response. U.S. reviewer Leonard Maltin saw it as "Outlandish, incoherent and mostly awful", while Empire magazine look upon it as being "...a unique, intelligent film".

Since this is a site dedicated to the art of review, I thought it would be cool to find out what you guys thought of it!

Oh, and does anybody have any news regarding a DVD release of the picture?


RE: Advice on which amplifier?


The 3082 is, by all accounts, a lion with a very loud roar! Not only is it compatible with every audio format currently gracing our fair planet (DVD-Audio, SACD, Dolby Digital 6.1, DTS-ES), but it also has up it`s vrtual sleeve a state of the art ace card in the form of Pro-logic II decoding, whereby a standard stereo source can be translated into 5.1 surround. Add to these finger-lickin` tasty pro`s peerless connectivity and the assurance of quality that comes from the DENON badge, and you`re well on the way to digital nirvana, my friend!

One last thing, with reference to GSM`s comments regarding Richer Sounds, bear in mind that they are that rare thing: a hi-fi retailer with a no-quibble money back guarantee should you be dissatisfied with your purchase. The rock is in your garden, my good man.

Come back soon!


RE: Help: Highlander: The Immortal Edition

Dear Mr Shenk,

I`m afraid that the hack you told me about failed dismally. Could it be that my humble player, an LG DVD-3000E, just isn`t equipped with the technical specfication required to access this hidden cashe of delectable goodies?

By the way, I own a R2 copy of "Aliens". Its a fab disc, with a presetation that is beyond compare, save for a screening at The Empire, Leicester Square! You might consider shelling out a fistful of dollars for it, if you haven`t already done so!

Until the time of the apes!


RE: Help: Highlander: The Immortal Edition


Your information regarding the Teaser trailer`s residence on the disc is flawless. Good news travels, it would seem!

As with everything this `86 Scottish epic has to offer, the teaser trailer will, without doubt, startle your senses as intensely as it did when your eyes first feasted upon it.

To quasi-quote the film itself: "1986 was a very good year", and Highlander remains it`s finest hour!

Bought your new amplifier yet?

All glory to The Hypnotoad!



Hi Lee,

Cheers for the reply, matie. "The Omega Man" is almost a companion piece to "Soylent Green" in that the two pictures have in common the same producer, star, and downbeat tone of final reel. With that in mind, wouldn`t it be awesome to see the two works receiving matching disc sets..? As far as I know, Turner Entertainment hold the leash on both. By the way, what happened to the proposed remake of "I Am Legend"?




Just a quickie. Does anybody have any idea when the seventies classic SOYLENT GREEN will be served on a silver platter?


Help: Highlander: The Immortal Edition

This request applies to the Region 1 of Highlander: The Immortal Edition


Has anybody found a hidden "prize" on this cracking release yet? I mean, come on! It`s from Anchor Bay!


RE: Advice on which amplifier?

Dear "Shenk=man",

With regard to your recent posting, it would only be fair to point out that a multi-format amplifier can be grabbed at a price considerably lower than £1,000 at one of the nationwide Richer Sounds stores. Check the `net for details, and keep it loud!
