Info and forum posts by 'deuse'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 6th August 2002, 17:05, Last used: Tuesday, 6th August 2002, 17:05

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 8 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: 8 Way LCD Panel Learning Remote Control £39.99

Just ordered mine... ;)

thanks for the info..

RE: DVD recorder. Confusion reigns!

Hi micki..

If u want cheap ram disks, take a look at the USA...

i get 5 x 9.4gb discs for just over £40....
and most of the times u can get them cheaper....

RE: DVD recorder. Confusion reigns!

Hi again...

"I won`t even be able to play the disks on my bedroom player. My two main reasons for going for the Philips."

mmm i pay 87p for a dvd-r disc that will play on any home dvd player+PC.
The cheapest dvd+r discs(good ones)i can find r £3.00 +...
I buy my dvd-ram disks with out the cassett.I can edit/add do what i like
to it on my PC,then send it back to the E 20 with my Gforce tv out card.

As for the USA format,i will look at the manual tooday(its 4.42am got to get some sleep).

I did have a philips for a week..took it back...and as for RGB, there is not
a recorder with TRUE RGB on the market....infact i have only ever seen
2 dvd plays with the 3 conections u need for TRUE RGB.

RE: Advice needed on a Aiwa dvd/vcr combo

Well i went and got one dont play S-VCD discs...
infact its not a very good combo,took it back.. :(

RE: acoustic solutions dv451

I got one of these from RS. I tried S-VCD and it clitched every few mins
Took it back to RS. Now got my self a JVC302.. :))
plays the lot dvd/dvd-r/vcd/s-vcd everything...

and it only cost £113 new boxed and dont buy the cheap
dvd players when u can get a JVC that does it all for the same money..

This item was edited on Saturday, 10th August 2002, 04:52

RE: DVD recorder. Confusion reigns!

Hi all...

I just got the E20, and its a great bit of kit.
I got the E20 when i found out that panasonic had removed the DV
I use FWS discs, and never had a coaster.
All the kids films i have backed up on it works on all the home dvd players
i have tried.
The DV port is great to have just plug it in switch the paney over.
and record.....

RE: Cheap DVD player in the Jungle : £49 + P & P

Thanks M8 for the warning.....

But i am going up there to get it....IF and only IF it can play S-VCD
with out any problems. I already have a Dansai 852.and i would love this
cheapo dvd as back...but its got to play s-vcd.....

Advice needed on a Aiwa dvd/vcr combo

hi all...

i am thinking of getting a Aiwa HV-DH1K..
has any one here got one or could point me in the right direction for
things like macro off,.region free...and S-VCD play back which i use

