Info and forum posts by 'Darkcrusader'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 21st May 2002, 07:29, Last used: Tuesday, 21st May 2002, 07:29

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: Me

This user has posted a total of 9 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Is the ALBA 108 VCD Enabling Patch Available From Mico ?


Got my 108 at Crimbo because there was no 114s.
Currently to play SVCD/VCD I press goto a few times as the disc speeds up then press 0 and enter or 1 and enter this works okay.
Is there a better way of doing it ??
I don`t fancy doing the code hack then pushing the tray in as I suspect this will screw up the player eventually..

Cheer DC

Venturer STS-21 - What Can it Do ??


I have the older larger Venturer System but the drive is very noisy and
I was thinking of taking it back.

Does the ST-21 do VCD, SVCD Multi-region and Macrovision off ??
Is it just as powerful as the 32 ?

What are the hacks for these features ??


Venturer Home Cinema from Tesco ??


Just got this a few days ago. Does anyone think the DVD drvie is a bit loud when spinning up at all ??

I had a Aiwa 370 before so maybe that is quite.


Venturer DVD from Tesco and DTS !!??


Just got one off these it says DD only but in the setup menu is says
DD on and lists DTS as Off.

I reckon there could be a remote hack to enable DTS decoding with this deck, why else would it be listed in the setup audio menu if this is not the case.


RE: Scan DVD 2500 Does it play DVD-R Okay ??

So what DVD Player does play DVD-Rs in the spec of the player ??

Maybe I should get an Xbox and get it chipped supposedly there
is a VCD/SVCD player coming out via the enigmah team,,,

Scan DVD 2500 Does it play DVD-R Okay ??


Just wondering if the Scan plays DVD-R okay or can anyone recommend
anything else that will play DVD-Rs Okay..?


Does the MiCO Clasica 20 Play DVD-R or NOT ??


There seems to be some debate whether or not the MiCO 20 plays
DVD-R media. So can anyone confirm or deny if it does and if possible
give details of the brand of DVD-R played.


RE: MiCO Classica 20

What other player plays SVCD and DVD-Rs perfectly then ??


MiCO Classica 20


Where can I buy one of these online or by telephone ??

Or is there something better to buy ??

Got an Awia 370 but no SVCD and DVD-R stutters, so have to buy a
new one..
