Info and forum posts by 'eel'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 22nd February 2002, 23:09, Last used: Friday, 22nd February 2002, 23:09

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 15 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Monsters Inc region 2 now shipping from play247

Whats the actual packaging like from this company anyone? Are the discs well packaged whe they arrive?

The Others r2

just wondering what the picture is like please?

Superbit r2

Has anyone ordered any superbit region 2 movies yet? I have not read any reviews in magazines and just wondered if anyone has ordered from the internet. (I would appreciate opinions on Charlie`s Angels superbitpicture and sound quality if anyone has seen it!)

Cape Fear

Has anyone experienced any problems with this r2 disc (1991 version).
I have notice a rather strange artefact that actually speeds up the frame for a split second. I know this is not as a result of a disc skip so what could it be? The most noticeable sequence is the the part wehn julieete lewis is talking to her friend in the school just before she meets her new supposed art teacher. As she approaches the double doors leading to the art department she sort of hops towards the door. The movement for a split second seems faster than it should be. I suppose this could be a authoring problem but i just find it strange that i have not seen any other people reporting this fault. I would appreciate any suggestions as to what this could be.


Does anyone have any early info on the disc? (Especially picture and sound quality)

Lord of The Rings

Would appreciate peoples opinions on the picture quality. Does it have pixellation and if so is it mild or obtrusive? I just thought with it being a 3 hour movie the compression would have to be top class. I know there are reviews on the internet but i don`t use them as a reliable source. I much prefer forum member`s opinions!

Shrek- Soft! i don`t think so.

It amazes me just how different internet dvd review sites can be. One site claims Shrek is reference quality - even better than Toy Story 2. Another says shrek is soft looking. Now, i only have a 32 inch widescreen but the picture is sharp as a needle. How do these reviewers come to such conclusions? I assume they must watch there dvds on a 70" screen!

RE: Scream Trilogy

Does anyone know why Scream region 2 was not anamorphic? It just seems crazy to me!

RE: A.I Packaging

i must disagree. i thought the movie was bold, different and although i had flaws i found it genuinely entertaining.

RE: Cape fear (1991)

thanks for that guy. Do you know what causes this?

RE: A.I Packaging

thanks for that Maicy.

Cape fear (1991)

Anyone noticed any problems with this disc? although the picture quality is superb i have noticed unnatural movement in several scenes most noticeable in the scene when the daughter skips to the drama hall to meet her supposed new drama teacher. It almost looks if as if a frame has been missed out. I have a sony high-end player and do not usually have any problems with discs.

RE: A.I Packaging

thanks for that Kain.

Seven- Disc problems

I have a problem with the region 2 version of Seven (the latest version)
the disc has constant artifacts all the way through the film. I have read several reviews saying it is a superb transfer but thats not what i see.
I have a sony 735d player which i do not normally have any problems with. Anyone else had this problem?

A.I Packaging

Does anyone know if the case for the region 2 dvd is plastic or one of those rubbish Carboard ones?