Info and forum posts by 'sharon'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 27th July 2000, 17:20, Last used: Thursday, 27th July 2000, 17:20

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 7 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:


I have exactly the same problem and I have been on every web site you can imagine to find out what the hack is. I have found the hack for the 210 and the 212 but there doesn`t appear to be one yet for the 211. I think it`s because the model is just out.
I can`t wait until someone comes up with the answer because I have so many good dvd`s to play.

Good Luck!


I am so confused on which magazine I should buy that would give me the best reviews on DVD`s and all the latest news on films coming out in the future. There are so many different magazines that I was wondering if anybody could suggest a really good one to buy.

RE: ORITRON DVD100. are there hacks for this? is gutty_shark_stank solution same?

have you tried this?

no disk in tray
press menu
press no 9
press open/close
press no 5

region 1-6 on screen
enter region code
press mute

let me know how you get on
regards Sharon

RE: Cheapest dvd player..I Might have the answer!

The cheapest dvd player which i have recently spotted was "Alba".which is sold exclusively through Argos! The price is only £150.
I was reading a dvd magazine and it got a really good write-up!
The Magazine gave the Alba 4/5.

Good luck!

RE: Samsung 709 suitable region 1 Disc ????

It doesn`t really matter what dvd that you decide to use but I wouldn`t use dvd`s like The Matrix as there has been problems with this film.

hack for Grundig 211

Recently I have bought a grundig 211 dvd player and would like to convert it so as it would play region 1 dvd`s.
Can anyone help please?

Grundig 211

I have just recently bought a Grundig 211 DVD player and would like to know if there is a hack to play region 1 dvd`s, as the hack for the 210 doesn`t appear to work on the 211.
pls can somebody help?