Info and forum posts by 'DarthB0b'

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Joined on: Saturday, 26th January 2002, 10:51, Last used: Saturday, 26th January 2002, 10:51

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This user has posted a total of 15 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

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Well I judge Scan by their past performance, so wouldn`t touch this player with a barge pole. They have given up supporting the SC2500, both they and Amniosonic (the SC2500 manufacturers) seem to be unable to support the SC2500 and have taken to blaming the decoder chip for any issues that are raised. And I suppose now that Scan have this new player, they have another excuse to ignore 2500 owners. Scan are very good at releasing a player with what look like amazing features at a very cheap price - but the old saying of `You get what you pay for` definately holds true. It will be interesting to see what sort of testing they have done on this new one before passing it on to unsuspecting guinee pigs/customers to try out.


RE: Scan SC-2500 Firmware Update

>The new sc2500s avialable on may 24th onwards shouild not require
>any updating as they have the latest version already loaded.I just hope
>the factory did this.

I just hope that scan learn from their past mistakes and actually test the units before making these claims/shipping the units to the customers.


SC2500 review - is it ever going to happen ?

Dan, just under a month ago you said the review was almost complete. Why the delay ? The more suspicious/conspiracy theory types would be saying that Scan have asked you not to post the review yet....


RE: Scan 2500 - the current position

>Jamie who runs the site will not upload it onto the news group until it is

So will Scan be testing this firmware, or is it up to the customers to test it for them ?

RE: Scan 2500 - the current position

`Unresponsive remote` - perhaps I should explain further. Before the new firmware the player would occasionaly misinterpret remote key presses (ie. up, up, right became up, up, up). Since the (buggy) firmware this problem seems to have gone - however the range of the remote is terrible. I find that I have to be within 2m of the player and pointing directly at the receiver before any remote key presses are recognised. As I said, overall I am fairly happy with the SC2500 although I do know that some people are having more problems (layer change pauses/random pauses) than I am.

RE: Scan 2500 - the current position

Looks to me like Scan maybe shouldn`t have rushed this player out, a bit of testing before hand would have saved these embarrasing problems for Scan. And as for relying on a customer to test the firmware patches, does Scan not have a testing department ? To balance my negativity, I have to say that overall I am happy with my SC2500, so far it has played all the movies I have thrown at it without problem, the only real annoyance is the very unresponsive remote control.

RE: Scan 2500 - the current position


I am using the 130 version of the firmware, and the front panel buttons on the player don`t work. Over at, Scan asked the guy mirroring the firmware files to remove them all (last version was 133 - and the front panel buttons still weren`t working). As far as I can gather from Nelly, Scan carried out NO testing on this firmware before giving it out to customers, something that I found amazing. Which firmware do you have Dan ?


Just checked in the yahoo group, the guy running the group is now in direct contact with the DVD manufacturer, surely we shouldn`t have to be doing this if Scan were doing their job properly ?

This item was edited on Friday, 15th March 2002, 17:45

RE: Scan 2500 - the current position

Given that Scan have now withdrawn all the firmware updates they have been giving out (due the firmware updates causing more problems than they were fixing) and given that DVD reviewer said the review would only be done when updated firmware was available - I wouldn`t hold your breath waiting for a review. All in all a very sorry state, both from Scan`s point of view and DVD reviewer. Surely if the player is available to the public then releasing a review of the player with THAT version of the firmware is valid - bugs and all. If Scan finally get their act in order and release a patched firmware that fixes the bugs then an updated review could be done, but at the moment surely customers deserve to know what they will be getting with the SC2500.

Almost Famous - Bootleg - Directors Cut R2 ?

Does anyone know if this version of Almost Famous is going to be released as R2 ? I could go for the R1 version but if R2 is coming out I would rather wait.


RE: Anyone noticed weird goings on with widescreen on Telewest for bbc

It`s not just Telewest - NTL have the same problem as well.

RE: SC2500 opinions

I have had mine for a month now, and am quite impressed with it. The only problems I have had so far are :
1) Centre channel seems to be missing when using the analogue connectors, seems to be downmixed to the front left/right channels.
2) Occasional remote glitches.
3) Wont access the `O Brother Where Art Thou` R2 Single Disc extras menu - although that may be related to the remote problems.


RE: Scan

>Ive not had a reply from the factory on the analog inputs but i may just
>take one home and test it.I will email you on monday with the results.

Thanks nilesh :)

RE: Scan


Have you been able to test the 5.1 analogue out`s yet ?


RE: Scan

Well I got mine last week, fairly impressed so far - but then this is my first standalone player. However....
I have it plugged into my amp via the 5.1 analog connectors and have the amp set to 5.1 input - but the centre channel seems to be coming out of the 2 front speakers and not the centre speaker (ie. it may not be decoding correctly) ! I have mailed scan about this and they claim it is not a known problem, they did say that some new firmware was in production for the player but they did not mention when or how the firmware could be applied. Also I cannot access any of the extras on `O Brother Where Art Thou ?` R2 single disk. Anyone from Scan care to comment ?