Info and forum posts by 'Steve C'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 18th January 2002, 11:39, Last used: Friday, 18th January 2002, 11:39

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 9 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Multiregion upgrade service required near Cardiff

Hi there,
I wish to upgrade my Panasonic RV31 to multi-region. Can anyone recommend a good dealer for doing this near Cardiff? Alternatively, a good dealer who will do free/cheap pick-up and delivery? Thanks.

(apologies to Forum Administrators for posting this thread in the Region Hacks (incorrect?) forum earlier).

Multiregion upgrade service required near Cardiff

Hi there,

I wish to upgrade my Panasonic RV31 to multi-region. Can anyone recommend a good dealer for doing this near Cardiff? Alternatively, a good dealer who will do free/cheap pick-up and delivery? Thanks.

Is there a software download available for multiregion DVD upgrade?

It occurred to me that since it is possible to use a multimod CD to upgrade my Panasonic RV31 DVD player to multiregion, I was wondering if anyone knew a website that could provide the required software (or firmware or whatever) for this job? I could then download it, burn it onto a CD and have my very own multimod disc free of charge. Any suggestions? (Apologies in advance for any technical ignorance displayed above!).

RE: Panasonic RV31 multimod disc query

Thanks for the info Chris. Seeing as I`m not bothered about the MP3 side of things and I`ll take my chance with the 0.01% of discs it won`t play, I think I`ll get the multimod disc. Cheers!

RE: Panasonic RV31 multimod disc query

Thanks guys, even though I don`t understand half of what you`ve said!!! ;-)

The "BTW the discs that don`t want to work now include..." seems to imply that there are discs out there that won`t work with this disc mod - is this correct?

RE: Panasonic RV31 multimod disc query

Thanks - rent it from where? And do you know of any drwabacks to the disc itself I should be aware of? e.g. is RCE still a problem?


Panasonic RV31 multimod disc query

I recently had a Panasonic RV31 DVD player as part of a package from Comet, and am disappointed to find it is not multi-region hackable without a multimod upgrade from the likes of Techtronics. But I`ve now noticed that Techtronics offer a multimod upgrade disc - has anyone any experience of this, and what exactly will it allow me to do? I can`t fins any info on it from the Techtronics website. Help! I want to play region 1 and 4 mainly.

Absound VHS shipping rates

I`ve seen absound mentioned quite a bit on this site, so I thought I`d check them out to see if they had "A Bit of Fry and Laurie" on VHS (not available on DVD unfortunately). They did have, and at a great price of US$9.52. So I tried to get info on shipping rates and it seems that it costs $6 to ship 1 VHS tape to the UK. I wanted to confirm this, and to check if its CA$ or US$, but the system wouldn`t let me email customer services (kept saying my email address was invalid): can anyone confirm the shipping cost or give me a clue as to how I can email customer services...! Ta.