Info and forum posts by 'estevé'

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Joined on: Sunday, 6th January 2002, 12:41, Last used: Sunday, 6th January 2002, 12:41

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This user has posted a total of 7 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Vinyl cleaning/removing scatches advice anyone


Your best bet would be to get a hold of some audio restoration software. CoolEdit would be your best bet - it has click & crackle, hiss repair etc. You can "clean" your recordings manually or automatically.

There`s also a programme which you can download from the net called DEPOPPER - which does pretty much what it says - depops! It`s a farily reasonable price if I remember correctly. Hope this helps.

RE: 22 November 1963: what really happened at JFK`s assassination?


My suggestion would be to start off by having a look at both the anti & pro conspiracy angles. Go to the source for the anti conspiracy - in other words The Warren Commission Report itself. For another angle, try to get a hold of Jim Marrs` Crossfire, or Mark Lane`s Rush To Judgement.

I won`t say anything more on these publications - why not give them a go, and see how you find the arguments therein?

One last bit of advice - don`t take either side of the back & forth going on here at face value. Come to your own conclusions.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 2nd December 2003, 13:16

RE: 22 November 1963: what really happened at JFK`s assassination?


Sorry you think it sounds silly, but it happens to be true. Can`t speak for you, but i`m not sure how concerned I would be with maintaining propriety when my better-halfs brains were all over the place.

The piece of skull she was holding was removed from her hand at Parkland Hospital. You`ll find a detailed account of events at Parkland in Charles Crenshaw`s book "A Conspiracy Of Silence". Now I know the mere mention of the word conspiracy makes people itchy, but bear this in mind. Charles Crenshaw was a young doctor at the time of the assassination - it was his good/bad luck (depending on your point of view) to be one of the medical staff vainly attempting to resuscitate Kennedy.

Crenshaw (because of his adherence to the events he had seen. ie not the party line) was rubbished and pilloried by no less an organisation than the American Medical Association in their journal - they called him a liar, saying he had never been in the Trauma Room with JFK. Great column inches were given over to denounding this man. Yoiu get the picture - but guess what? They eventually had to admit they were wrong. The man was vindicated and won a "substantial settlement". The retraction was tiny and buried!

I note you`re not particularly interested in the other facts I mentioned - bone fragments, blood & brain spatter etc. These facts are contained in the Warren Report you hold so much faith in, and clearly are at odds with a lone gunman scenario. What is conveniently forgotten is that the Warren Commission was not obliged to make sense of all of the facts - that which goes against the grain is excluded.

I`d also point out that to believe Kennedy was assassinated as the result of a conspiracy does not require woolly thinking or a mad belief in shadows and boogeymen (as you put it). It`s easy to ignore, but there is plenty, and I do mean plenty of available evidence of conspiracy. There are many level headed theories (I stress the word theories) which take into account all of the available evidence. The lone gunaman scenario does not.

RE: 22 November 1963: what really happened at JFK`s assassination?

One point I do find odd, however (and up to the recent doco I was a believer in the conspiracy version incidentally) - I appreciate she`d have been in shock, but why did Jackie take off like a jackrabbit over the boot of the car?

To reply to Mark`s post from a few pages back - the reason Jackie made for the boot of the car was to retrieve a piece of her husbands skull. This in itself brings up some interesting points....

1. The skull was blown back onto the rear of the car (pretty fancy shootin` that)...which leads to points 2,3 &4...
2. The Harper fragment - Billy Harper found this large fragment of Kennedys skull to the rear and left of Kennedys position when shot...
3.Dallis motorcycle policeman Bobby Hargis was spattered by blood and brain matter from Kennedy`s head. He was riding where in the motorcade. Yup, you guessed it, to the rear and left of JFK.
4. The fragment of bone recovered by Billy Harper was from Kennedy`s occiput (the lumpy protuberance on the lower part of the back of your head). This begs the question as to why this area is intact in autopsy photographs, and how an entry wound blew decided to behave differently from other entry wounds the world over.

BTW, if this all sounds fanciful, it ain`t. These are all facts contained in the good ole` Warren Commission. Can`t get any more reliable than that!

This item was edited on Monday, 1st December 2003, 15:36

The curse of Season One`s....

Does anyone know the reasoning behind releasing first-season sets of shows such as LAW & ORDER, LARRY SANDERS etc, only to have them "die-a-death"?

After all, we see season-by-season sets for far lesser shows. Where`s the logic?

This item was edited on Saturday, 29th November 2003, 22:09

RE: 22 November 1963: what really happened at JFK`s assassination?

How many other individuals were/are out there being potentially used in the same way. I don`t think for a minute if oswald hadn`t been a credible assassin (?!?) that someone else would have been fitted up with a similar background story.


For an example of an "alternate fallguy", you should check out a fellow called Richard Case Nagell. He was arrested in El Paso on 20th November 1963 (2 days before the assassination) after firing two shots into the celing of a bank and then sitting waiting on the sidewalk(!) for the cops to come arrest him. These patsies do behave strangely.

Anyway, Nagell told police prior to the assassination that something was about to go down in Dallas (hence his reason for wanting to be arrested and verifiably NOT in Dallas when Kennedy bit the bullet).

Also, one shouldn`t forget Rose Cheramie`s amazing prognostications that Kennedy was going to be hit in Dallas, or the conversation taped by Miami police between right-wing fanatic Joseph Milteer and (informant) William Somerset, in which clear plans were discussed regarding the hit on JFK - note, not how it could take place but was going to. Miami police did what the Dallas cops didn`t, and made sure Kennedy`s motorcade was secure.

Just some of the many instances of clairvoyance when it comes to JFK`s trip to Dallas.

RE: Twin Peaks Pilot

Hivizone were doing the Twin Peaks pilot for a good price (I think I paid around a tenner including postage). the last time I looked they wer eout of stock though.