Info and forum posts by 'barrett'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 28th December 2001, 07:35, Last used: Friday, 28th December 2001, 07:35

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 16 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Sanyo dvd SL120


When I try to access your website it`s asking me for a username and password?

RE: Now Nero Won`t Work....


Gave up on nero for my music. Using roxio easy cd creator.
For dvds I`m using dvd decrypter but whenever it trys to read a dvd5 disc to copy to my hard drive (winxp on ntfs, 120 gig) it crashes anywhere between 95-99% so loses(?spelling?) the sound.
Please any suggestions as to how to stop this or another software tool that is as east to use and does the same job. Is smartripper any good?


RE: dvdr backup on win 98

Great cheers Nav.

Ok got my new pc, quite impressed. but I`m still getting some problems with my dvd decrypter program.
On certain discs, when reading the iso and putting onto my hard drive, it crashes around the 94 - 98% mark. The dvds I`m reading from are dvd5, and when played through themselves have no problems, so it should be a simple case of reading straight through and it is, for some, but not for others.
Has anyone else got this problem?
or does anyone know of a solution or other `idiot-proof` software I could try.

Hopefully one day I will be able to post solutions.


RE: dvdr backup on win 98

Thanks Nav,

For some crazy obscure reason, Mr Visa has just been on the phone and offered me another 1000 quid to expand my spending by. I have decided to cancel my order for my external drive which was 260 pound and replace my full base unit. This is going to be my new spec. Let me know what people think.
XP 2200 CPU
512 DDR
120 Gb Hard Drive
Geoforce 64mb graphics
52x CDR
My current DVDRW (Pioneer 105)
Something called Gigabyte 7DXE Motherboard? (I`ve never heard of these, any reports?)
Windows XP Pro installed as NTFS
I thinks that`s about it, but I`ve probably forgot some things.
I`m paying 470 for the full system built and set up. Is this a good price?

God;;; Far too much technology jargon for my liking, so far gone are the days when all I wanted was multi region hacks;;;;; (Exclamation mark key is broke)

dvdr backup on win 98

I know I`m a bit dated in my o/s (Win 98se) and most forum posts that I`ve read reccommend upgrading to win xp to get round the 4gb size limit when backing up my dvdrs. (FAT problem)
I`m more than willing to do this , however, I`ve a couple of questions I`m hoping someone can answer first.

I`m awaiting arrival of a 120Gb external hard drive as my internal is too small to hold many films.

1. Will I be able to install xp on my external drive and keep my 98 on my C: HD.?

2. Or, is it easy to install xp on my current HD and keep my existing software without having to format and reinstall everything?

3. Or is there a way to get around losing the end of my films using dvd decrypter and win98.

4. Are external HDrives any good?

I hope you will appreciate that my pc knowledge is limited. (Basically, I know how to use the programs I have and that`s about it. That`s why I`ve opted for an external HD as I wouldn`t have a clue how to change my internal one.)
I have trouble understanding techie jargon (So easy explanations would be greatly appreciated.)


(Lost in a technological revolution)

RE: Now Nero Won`t Work....

Great cheers lads. Much appreciated.

Now Nero Won`t Work....


Does anyone know if there is a patch for my nero program.
I have just purchased a pioneer 105 dvd writer and previously used to back up my music cds using nero, now it won`t recognize my writer

My nero is version bundled.

Please help as this is the only program I have to take out the gaps between tracks from my music.

Back up Sopranos - HELP

I have my original series 1, 2 & 3 of the Sopranos. I have also just purchased a pioneer 105 dvd writer.
I want to back up my dvds so as not to damage my originals but I can`t work out how to add the episodes.
I`ve backed up my original dvd films without much problem but I`ve no idea how to do tv episodes.
The guides on are far too confusing. Any idiots guide around.

Help greatly recieved. (and needed)


LG 5253 - DVDR Help

I have followed the hack for multi region and it works fine. Apart from certain region 1 dvds will only play in black and white. Only problem I have with it is trying to play my backup dvds on it. I use a pioneer 105 and have been using neo premium 4x blank dvdr discs. They seem to work on all my other stand alone dvd players and my ps2 but not this one.
Anyone with any ideas or solutions, your help greatly appreciated.

P.S. Anyone know if the vcd hack will work.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 5th February 2003, 13:38

RE: Which DVD-R/RW?

Ok, another lost soul here,

I am really interested in the pioneer dvd-r model, but I have a couple of questions, where`s the best place to get them from, are computer fairs a good idea, are they easy enough to install, do they back up dvd films and extras or just the film. where`d the best place to get the dvd-r media from.

Hope someone out there can help.

(Lost in the technological world.)

Please Help, Multi Region Hack Needed for Goodmans gvr145 dvd

My Sister has just purchased a Goodmans gvr145 dvd/vcr combo. Does anybody else have one of these? Are they any good? Is is possible to make them multi-region? Is there a way around the macro protection when making `back ups` of her dvd`s?

Your comments appreciated.


Compatible Media for Phillips DVDR 880

Can anybody tell me what recordable DVD discs are compatible with this machine.
Also does anyone know where I can buy them cheap?

Thanks in advance.

RE: Phillips DVDR 880, your help needed please.

Thanks, are those the more expensive ones? I`m going to a computer fair tonight but not sure which to buy. Have you tried DVD-R and what problems did you have.

Phillips DVDR 880, your help needed please.

I have just purchased one of these fantastic machines, partly because of all the good feedback on this site.
But I have a couple of questions which so far, I have been unable to find the answer to.
Firstly, will it record on DVD-R discs? the info with the recorder only mentions DVD+R discs.
And secondly, when taking back ups of my current DVD collection, is it possible to back up the extra features on the original discs similar to cloning a cd via a PC, I am aware of the macro protection issue which I have resolved,

Your comments greatly appreciated.

RE: Leads that disable Macro-vision, do they work, where can I buy one.??

I have a macmaster from sonel. I have had it for over 6 months and as yet I ahve had no problem with it at all. I ordered it by mail on a Monday and it arrived by friday.

HELP Needed My VHS won`t record NTSC

The Story so far... I purchased a Samsung M511, found the code to make it multi region and to disable macrovision. My dad`s still refusing to convert to DVD for now, so when I copy my Region 2`s for him to watch, no problem. I`m no Sherlock Holmes so I thought great, multi region, america here I come, asked all my relatives for new release region 1 DVDs for Christmas, promised them all faithfully the DVD each one bought me I would put onto VHS for them to watch. OK, I know, you`re way ahead of me on this one.
I`m stuck, the DVDs play fine via my VCR and onto my TV, but try to record them and squeek squeek, the mice are out, won`t do it. After looking into it, I know, or I think, it`s due to my VCR only being able to record PAL and the DVDs are NTSC. My VCR is a DAEWOO 6head Nicam Stereo model if that helps. Can anyone advise me of any remote hacks for my VCR or what my options are in order to copy them. PLEASE!!!

This item was edited on Friday, 28th December 2001, 12:36