Info and forum posts by 'JamieT'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 27th June 2000, 15:24, Last used: Monday, 5th July 2010, 18:10

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 3 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: SCAN SC-2000 January 5th Batch

Well your going to love this one then!

Arranged my drop & pick last Friday (5th).
The earliest date available was Tues 9th. Fair enough I thought, don`t mind waiting a couple of days.

Then guess what turns up at work today (Mon 8th), a bloody delivery man with a brand new Scan player wanting to pick up my old player, which is still at home!!!!!!!
So he had to the the player back to Bolton and is having to come back again tommorrow. Bloody marvelous!

I get a phone call from Scan telling me that the players were despatched early. Great, nice one, thanks for telling me AFTER you attempt to deliver it!
How annoying is that!!!

RE: Scan SC-2000 Warranty Info


I`m in a similar situation to the one you describe, in that I purchased my Scan from the early batch (June/July), and therefore suffer from VERY poor picture quality on a majority of my DVD`s.

I phoned Scan customer services last Wednesday explaining that I wasn`t happy with the quality of the player etc...
The Scan chap (Gareth) was very helpful, he informed me that the latest batch of players contain new graphics card and this should eliminate the problem. He has issued me with a returns number and arranged for a drop and pick when the new batch of players arrive (Jan 5th). Although I do need to phone on 5th Jan to confirm that the new players are in, he has given me his direct number so I don`t have to go through all the hassle of the notourious Scan customer service phone lines.

If Nelley doesn`t respond via this forum, I`d suggest that you give Scan in ring in the next couple of days and reserve yourself one of the new batch for Jan 5th!


Scan SC-2000 - Help!

After deciding to splash out on my first dvd player, I opted for the Scan SC-2000 which arrived today.

Generally, the player performs well, however, I`ve found that the picture/sound momentaraly freezes for a couple of seconds, then continues. This starts about 10 minutes into the film, and continues throughout (I`m watching an original region 2 version of `The negotiator`). It got so bad at one point that it completly locked up, then started jumping to random points in the film (even the ending, Doh`!).
Is this something that I can remedy or is it a failing of the player/disc?

Thanks in advance for your help,