Info and forum posts by 'spark'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 5th August 2001, 15:59, Last used: Sunday, 5th August 2001, 15:59

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 12 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: need hack for liteon lvw-5001 please

Please can you also email me the firmware update which removes Macrovision and gives me 3h recording for Liteon 5001b.much much appreciated. Tryed the firmware update from there website No 3hr recording.

Pacific p-dvd1000 dvd player

Can anybody tell me if this dvd player has a built in dolby digital /DTS decoder wth the 6 phone sockets on the rear marked centre, subwoofer,right,left,right surround.left surround

Pacific p-dvd1000 dvd player DTS/Dolby Digital Decoder 5.1

Can anybody tell me if this dvd player has the decoder built in. If not which one does

RE: help with alba dvd 113

Its true only a few cdr`s will play an your dvd player, But if you copy them onto a cdrw they will work every time.This machine will not play MP3`s even if you copy them onto cdrw. Normal cds copyed onto cdrw work fine.

RE: Calling all Alba 113 Owners

I tryed just burning them straight on a cd but still comes up no disc. Can you tell me how you did it on yours please.
I`ve found out that my 113 will play CDRW`s better than cdr`s, most of the time it will not play cdr`s.
I rang alba for the upgrade disc you have tobe in front of your dvd at the time. It took 30mins to get through, but the girl said it you have a green display no upgrade is needed and they will not send you the disc. She also said that alba do not make a multi region player and although the113 will play region 1 now, it will lock at some point and there is not return.She also said now that i`ve played region 1 dvd`s my garentee is now void and they will not replace it if it goes wrong. (nice people). I said So if it goes wrong they will know i,ve been playing region1? ... If it locks yes .
Anyway help with mp3 playing please

RE: Calling all Alba 113 Owners

I`ve just recorded two VCD,s Using Nero and TDK CD-R74 REFLEX CD`s. Tryed them in my alba 113 at first they didn`t work so I switched off the machine for two or three seconds with the disc still in the machine and powered it up again and it worked, All the zero`s came up and it played automaticly.
I`ve read in a mag that it will play MP3`s, anybody know how to write them. Do you just plonk them on a disc or do you need a file or program on the disc as well

RE: Calling all Alba 113 Owners

the alba 113 is region free out of the box, but it is not macrovision free.
I am still looking for a hack for this myself , If i find one i will post it on this site hope you will do the same if you find it first.

RE: Have I broken my DVD-Rom now?

Try Downloading Creative labs pc DVD software. It is basicly the same hardware as the hollywood + and both work on mine.I had the same problem with the hollywood software kept saying epprom tamper but it works fine with the creative pcdvd encore software. Remove all your hollywood drivers and software. if that don`t work reflash your dvd with the firmware that you first had you should be able to get it from DVD digest.

RE: a friend in need alba113

Hi this dvd player is region free(no remote code needed) But you will have to change the settings to force Pal output. You do this by pressing display without a dvd in the machine. Select Display and set video standard to (PAL) not content specific, that should be it you now can play region 1 dvds.
Nobody has as yet come up with a macrovision hack Sorry

RE: Alba 113 Music CD sound

This player is region free so you will be able to play any region 1 DVDs

Alba 113 Music CD sound

Could somebody please try playing a music CD on there Alba 113 and tell me if the sound is Ok or distorted as it is on mine

RE: ALBA DVD113 hack????

well I just bought this machine my self and i think it the same as the Bush DVD-2009 with a different front cover. The hack for this machine is
Power on your player
Press Open/Close
Press Zoom
Press a/b
Press Up Left Dowm Right
The DVD player may show a Region free message

Let me know how you get on as i Dont have any region 1 dvds yet.