Info and forum posts by 'jay D'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 22nd July 2001, 13:04, Last used: Sunday, 22nd July 2001, 13:04

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 4 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: ntsc to pal50

thanks for that reply + does the jvc 521 have digital out (coax / tos link)? also dont think ive read many reviews on that player, so would u recomend it over the samsung or the lg models

RE: ntsc to pal50

thanks for that advice wil test it out to see wot its like

ntsc to pal50

hi there can any one recomend a dvd player that plays ntsc as pal50 like the samsung709 , and also that handles macrovision(not that important tho)also multiregion a big help. + has any one tryed the scan2000 or the mico(not sure wot model)

a couple of questions?

well where to start, ok wel ive been in to dvd since day 1, ive always been into films (on laser/dvd) and as ive got a big family i hate every 1 pawing my disc`s so i always make backup copys(for personal use).the first player was a panasonic then a pioneer 525import which i had to use a standards converter which was good for copying but reds were a bit to strong sometimes,so i upgraded to samsung 709 which was good when i put the hacks in, it allowed straight forward copying(disabled macrovision-played any region and also played ntsc as pal50 so there was no need for a converter)but lately it seems to have problems playing some films so i got rid of it and am nopw looking for a replacement dvd player,a player that wil let me tape straight of it like the samsung so i was wandering if any 1 could recomend a good (reliable)player. £300 is my budget so theres a bit choice out there but it needs to be able to play ntsc as pal50 ,macrovision is not a problem, ive read lots of reviews but just need a bit more help choosing. models ive read up on are awia, scan2000,lg,pioneer,mico and all others but just need that bit info if any 1 can help . thanks for reading this story(only ment to be a couple of lines tehee)