Review of Bride of Re-Animator

4 / 10


After acting as producer on Stuart Gordon`s `Re-Animator`, Brian Yuzna tried his hand at directing in `Society`, this shocker that is arguably more famous for the special effects makeup by Screaming Mad George than its content or Yuzna`s direction.

Billy Whitney is a popular student at the Beverly Hills Academy and a member of the social elite, but feels like an outsider and suffers from nightmares and hallucinations, suspecting that there is something strange beneath the veneer of the perfect society in which he lives. His sister`s boyfriend, David Blanchard, plays him a tape of what sounds like an incestuous orgy and after he confides in his psychiatrist, his friend dies in a car crash. Coincidence? His investigation leads to an unforgettable discovery and one of the strangest scenes ever committed to celluloid.

This is released by Tartan Video under their new `Tartan Grindhouse` label (no doubt due to the popularity of the word following Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez` well publicised flop), along with `Basket Case` and `Bride of Re-Animator`.


A crisp 1.78:1 anamorphic transfer, with good colour and contrast and little to complain about. The special make-up effects are excellent.


A clear Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo soundtrack, with good balance between the dialogue and surrounds.


Just a theatrical trailer and teaser spots for `The Phantom Carriage`, also available on Tartan Video.


Like the other discs on the Tartan Grindhouse label, this is a re-release with less features than the original version. Whilst not having the cult following enjoyed by `Basket Case` or `Re-Animator`, Brian Yuzna`s `Society` is an interesting addition to the plethora of 1980s horror films. It was clearly watched by James Gunn before he made `Slither`, as the finale of his 2006 comedy-horror is a clear reference to `The Shunting` from `Society` - an outrageous scene and a piece of brilliance from Screaming Mad George`s `surrealistic make-up effects`.

`Society` works as a paranoid fantasy, with strange imagery, implied incest and strange social gatherings. It also works as a horror film, with gory scenes, suspense and an extraordinary orgy, showing how their society functions.

The film is not perfect, it`s too slow in parts and never quite gels as a cohesive whole, but the path that Billy and the audience follow is fun and intriguing, and with an ending you`ll never forget. A fine genre movie and a recommended watch.

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