Claude Chabrol Collection, The: Volume 2 (UK)

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6 feature films. 6 incomparable French classics
Certificate: 15
Running Time: 600 mins
Retail Price: £34.99
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Innocence With Dirty Hands (1975): Beautiful Julie Wormser (Schneider) is unhappily married to rich, drunk slob Louis (Steiger), so plans to kill him with the help of her panicky young lover Jeff Marle (Giusti). However, when the deed appears to be done, Jeff scarpers, leaving Julie to face the fallout.

Who`s Got The Black Box (1967): When US radar installations in Greece are jammed and an undercover NATO security man is killed, suspicion falls on his widow, who sets out to find the real culprits and prove herself innocent.

The Flower Of Evil (2003): Francois (Benoit Magimel), the handsome young son, returns home from a 3-year stay in Chicago, and quickly rekindles a fiery romance with his cousin, Michele (Melanie Doutey). Meanwhile, his mother Anne (Natalie Baye) is running for public office, and has stirred up more than a bit of controversy. When a slanderous letter appears in the newspaper revealing family indiscretions - incest, adultery, murder, and even war crimes - the entire family remains firmly in denial of any wrongdoing. The dead giveaway is sweet, elderly Aunt Line (Suzanne Flon) whose mischievous smile pegs her as the omniscient keeper of family secrets.

Pleasure Party (1975): Phillipe and Esther live an apparently idyllic life with their daughter, Elise. In an attempt to preserve this bliss, Phillipe decides that he and Esther should each have affairs, being sure to tell each other openly about them. The plan backfires with tragic results as Phillipe becomes engulfed in jealously.

The Break Up (1970): Helene Regnier`s husband Charles, who is mentally ill, injures their son Michel in a rage. Charles moves back in with his wealthy and manipulative parents, who blame Helene for their son`s condition and vow to win custody of Michel. While the boy is in hospital, Helene rents a room in a boarding house nearby. The Regniers hire Paul Thomas, a family acquaintance who needs money, to find dirt on Helene before the court hearing on custody. Paul moves into the boarding house and, with the help of his girlfriend Sonia, who rarely wears clothes, plots to ruin Helene`s reputation and then her very life.

Cop Au Vin (1985): Based on a novel by Dominique Roulet, introduces the character of Inspecteur Lavardin, a loner detective whose affable exterior hides a man willing to go to any lengths to find the truth, though his tactics are sometimes questionable. A small French town experiences a spate of murders, and Lavardin is called in to investigate. He meets withdrawn teenager Louis Cuno, a postman who uses his position to gather information to stop a plot to take over his family`s property. Louis lives with his overbearing, crippled mother, whose cruelty spurs Louis to take his amateur sleuth work a bit too far.

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