Review of Mummy, The: Collector`s Edition (Widescreen)

9 / 10


For some reason, The Mummy is released as two separate versions. Both are `Collectors Editions` but one is the 4:3 version, and then there is this Widescreen 2.35:1 version. Maybe Universal is testing the water with this idea to get an indication of the sales of a blockbuster like this in the Pan and Scan version. Not many I should think!

This widescreen release though is a high quality product. A clean 2.35:1 anamorphic transfer is presented, divided into 18 chapters. Picture quality is very high as would be expected.

The movie itself is a roller coaster of special effects. It is a very visual film, and is a showpiece for what they can do with CGI these days. As may be feared with a big budget Hollywood special effects movie, you may be forgiven for thinking the story takes a back seat to the action. However this film is actually a remake of the old Mummy classic black and white horror movies of long ago.

The story is therefore familiar, but is nicely brought up to date for the 90s. It reminded me a lot of the Indiana Jones jaunt Raiders of the Lost Ark.


Well what can we expect here? Not unexpectedly you get a loud 5.1 soundtrack which compliments the action going on screen. The surround channels are used to the full, one nice example being the fight scenes when scimitars are thrown. Check out that rear channel action! Phew..

This is also a good soundtrack for cranking that subwoofer up - the deep rumbles of the descending walls at the end of the flick (why does this always happen in `Egyptian` movies?) test the sub to the limit.


Extras? There are loads!! This Collector`s Edition is well titled.

You get a `Building a Better Mummy` documentary, full length directors commentary, visual and special effects formation, Egyptology thingy, some deleted scenes, trailers and a Universal showcase. For those of you with a DVD ROM, you also can play with an interactive Mummy game, two screensavers and some electronic postcards. All this is wrapped up in some nice animated menus.

This is what DVD was made for - and the extras on this disc gets full marks!


Brendan Fraser seems far more at home in this film than in his previous effort `George of the Jungle`. His portrayal of the hero role suits him well as does the token Brit role that provides a lot of the comedy - filled by John `Four Weddings` Hannah.

The film has many familiar elements similar to Raiders of the Lost Ark - the tribe of guardians that protect the tomb, the map, the secret passages etc. It`s action all the way and along with The Matrix must be one of this summers best releases.

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