Offenbach: Les Contes d`Hoffmann (Guingal) (UK)

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Chorus of Ópera de Bilbao / Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa
Certificate: none
Running Time: 185 mins
Retail Price: £29.99
Release Date:

Giancarlo Del Monaco`s passionate and intelligent production of Jacques Offenbach`s magnum opus creates a climactic kaleidoscope of deep and convincing emotions. A highly credible incarnation of the pitiable Kleinzach he sings about, Aquiles Machado is the poet who loses his romantic idealism, his reflection and finally his soul to a `trio of charming enchantresses`. Conductor Alain Guingal inspires the superbly dramatic cast, including María Bayo, Milagros Poblador, Valentina Kutzarova and Katharine Goeldner, in an outstanding recording in High Definition video and surround sound.

Special Features:
Interviews with María Bayo and Aquiles Machado

Illustrated Synopsis & Cast Gallery

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Video Tracks:
Widescreen Anamorphic 1.66:1

Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital Stereo 2.0 Italian
DTS 5.1 Italian

Subtitle Tracks:

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