Review of First Wives Club, The

6 / 10


Three women, three husbands (ex) and a whole lot of antics.

I`d heard good things about this film and was expecting a good 90 minutes or so of entertainment, which meant a Saturday evening, pizza and beer. Conclusions at the end.


The video quality was okay. It certainly wasn`t an award winner but the colours were nicely balanced and there was no noise or flickering.

A lot of the disk has quite a contrasty effect with white clothing on dark backgrounds and this was handled well, with perhaps the best example being the end song and dance routine.

I have to say, the end sequence was the best part of the film for video quality on this anamorphic transfer.


A 5.1 soundtrack that never really gets a chance to explode. My sub remained firmly in standby mode for the entire film, with no need to spring to life.

The dialogue was nicely centred on the screen with swome nice effects from left and right but a lack of action from the rears.

As with the video the final sequence was the best with the sound at last enveloping the room with some nice touches, but still no LFE!!


Ah, absolutely nothing, and personally I find Paramounts insistence of putting a very bland menu screen for selecting the language to be used a right pain .

This screen apppears before the film starts, you select English and then it`s straight into the film.

Surely a more eye and user friendly method can be accomplished for this task.


Well I was disappointed by this film. Disc quality was okay and the sound wasn`t bad, neither of them outstanding, but the movie itself was very bland.

If you are a major fan of Goldie Hawn, Diane Keaton or Bette Midler then you may find something in there for you, but as a pick up and watch film it does fall short in the entertainment stakes.

Mabe good for a rent, but not a watch and watch again movie unfortunately.

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