Review of American Idol: The Best And The Worst Of Series 1 To 4

6 / 10


American Idol is the transatlantic love-child of Simon Cowell. This is the continuation of the series that gives us Will Young and somebody who`s name I`ve forgotten…Not content with inflicting the public with the excruciating agony of badly-sung songs here you can now get them with an American accent.

Personally although I am keen to be in on the discovery of a talent such as the great Will in practice the process is a little like having every hair on your body extracted with tweezers(it`s painful ask Julius Caesar.) It is not very pleasant.

Kudos must go then to the great God Cowell and his fellow judges, who have been subjected to this process, for finding some creditable singers. Even more kudos to the producers who sit through the initial rehearsals without screaming like girls and trying to extract their eardrums with chopsticks. Having to keep a straight face and persuade the hapless contestant that Simon would really like to hear their renditions of The Star Spangled Banner in F flat must be a career enhancing skill not taught at any university I`ve heard of.

Of course the initial pull of the show is to hear just how bad these people are, marvel that their families had not previously taken them to one side and manually extracted their vocal cords and ponder whether it is possible for Cowell`s trousers to migrate as far as his neck. But I digress. As you get further into the series real talent is uncovered and personalities of the contestants start to be explored.

This is when the judges` talents are most important. They are the House doctors who must see past the clutter of bad dental work, home hair colouring and clunky clothes sense and spot the potential market.

They can get it spectacularly right. The first series of Pop Idol did produce Will Young who at least has endured thus far in the fickle world of pop. The first series of American Idol produced Kelly Clarkson who has already produced an album and looks set to take the audience of cleaned up Avril Lavigne.

It`s not done and dusted for every Clarkson and Young we have a Gareth Gates and David Sneddon (yes alright it`s Fame Academy-I`m not Nicky Chapman).


Disc One

The Search
Here Comes the Judge
You`re a Star

To explain any of the above would be to spoil it for you potential viewers. Just to say it is neatly tied together, there are sub menus for individual performers and one comedy item involving mr Cowell and fellow judge Paula Abdul.

Disc 2
Best of the Worst

This is the worst of series 1-4 and boy do they mean that. This is truly painful stuff -so much so that for me they needn`t have bothered putting it on the disc. There are one or two gems that stand out.


As it says these are a few edited versions of popular songs murdered by the contestants. Truly inspired.

Extended Auditions

Yes the full and gory versions of the very worst. Included in this are a couple of arguments from contestants who really don`t take criticism .That amazing if flawed self belief will take them somewhere I`m not thinking its going to be to the finals.

I`d like to give a full honest review of the performances but I had to switch it off due a real physical pain. I may never sing again...


There are no problems with the picture-do not adjust your set some of the contestants really do have no dress sense.


Again there are no problems with the sound but you might be hitting the remote as some of the performers fail to reach a note.


None it`s all part of the package!


This is the way I like my Idol -all wrapped up in a pretty bow and no nail-biting finish. The bad ones are all lumped together and the winners` performances are clearly set out.

If you are an Idol fan this is a neat little package that will amuse you for a few hours until the next one comes along.

It`s a 6 for value and content but for fans only.

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