Fear X (US)

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Your Nightmares Are All Around You
Certificate: 12
Running Time: 91 mins
Retail Price: $19.99
Release Date:

When Harry Cain`s Wife is murdered in the shopping mall were he works, his life is destroyed and he becomes obsessed with finding her killer. Frustrated at every turn, he focuses on the tiny details of the scene of the crime-pieces of security camera footage and his own narrow recollection of people who passed though the mall that day. But when the police discover new evidence, Harry suddenly realizes he is much closer to the truth than he could possibly have imagined. Seeing a picture of the suspect police believe is the guilty party, Harry recognizes him as a man who lived across the street. Now, caught between the reality that is before him and the fruitless world he has created, Harry must come face-to-face with his ultimate fear.

Special Features:
Photo Gallery
Theatrical Trailer
Trailer Gallery

Your Opinions and Comments

5 / 10
Writing a review on this movie would just be a waste of space, and I`ve already wasted more than enough time to actually watch the movie and try to figure out what`s it all about.
Well, this is a truly bad, poorly made and not interesting at all thriller about a guy trying to find out who killed his wife.
The video transfer is ok. There are no compression signs and the picture is clear of defects.
The DD 5.1 soundtrack is ok, too. There`s some usage of the surrounds, but do not get your hopes up. Nothing too exciting.
The menus are animated with sound.
The only extra on the disc is a picture gallery.
Bottom line - enough said - a dreadful movie, not even worth a rental. Avoid!
posted by Zvi Josef on 12/4/2006 21:32