Review of Seventh Sign, The

6 / 10


The Seventh Sign reminded me very much of The Omen… but not quite as good! The story revolves around the unborn baby that Abby Quinn (Demi Moore) is carrying, and leads on to much ending-of-the-world type stuff. There is also the usual clutch of religious fables and the odd priest or two, and several strange events which occur. Not a lot we haven’t seen before.

You get both versions of the film on the disc – a 2.35:1 widescreen and a standard 1.33:1 track, on different sides of the DVD. The film is split into 28 chapters. Picture quality is high, with nice contrast and natural colour balance.


The sound is Dolby Digital 2.0 only, no 5.1 mix. The film was made in the late 80s so this is understandable. Audio however is exciting in the ProLogic surround mode, and good deep rear channel demonic voices are plentiful.


There are no extras to speak of on this DVD and all menus are static.


This film is quite similar to the Omen and Rosemary’s Baby, but didn’t quite get there in my opinion. Enjoyable none the less, this film has tried to update a familiar story.

The DVD is basic but it does provide both versions of the film on the one disc.

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