Review of David Carradine`s Chi Energy Workout for Beginners

6 / 10


Trading perhaps a little on the success of "Kill Bill", David Carradine shows us how to do Tai Chi. Once better know as Grasshopper in TV`s "Kung Fu" in the 1970`s Carradine is a keen proponent of the non-violent forms of martial arts.

There are two workouts on the DVD each about 60 minutes in length.

Tai Chi: Maintain and restore health

This is a gentle form of exercise which helps to align the body`s energies. If you are weary and wary of getting the burn then tai Chi is an ideal way to exercise. The emphasis on slowness and getting the movements perfected is a very good way for you to switch off from everyday worries. The poetic names oft the movements also focus the mind on certain pictures which again stimulate the brain to move away from our hectic life styles.

It contains five chapters/sections-there is no sub menu for these but they do form identifiable chapters.

1. Opening the gates
2. Specific health
3. Stillness
4. Linkage
5. Coil and Flow

Chi Kung: Energy Skill

This workout has a different emphasis with the use of a 5000 year-old art of Chi Kung. The same format with identifiable chapters/sections:

1. Stillness and movement
2. Emptying and filling
3. Building
4. Purification
5. Integration
6. Grounding


There are no problems with the picture. It is perfectly clear and of course you need to be watching whilst attempting to put your hands in the form of a crane`s bill. Not as easy as it sounds.

The background to the exercise is scenes of nature which is a step up from the studio wall.


There are no problems with the sound. The backing music is designed to be soothing and spiritual.


Interview with David Carradine

Filmed especially for this DVD this is a good interview with lots of anecdotes about Quentin Tarantino and Carradine`s experience filming Kill Bill.

Photo Gallery-if you`re into that sort of thing.


This forms a good introduction to the basics of Tai Chi and despite its celebrity star it is a very enjoyable and productive workout.

My main niggle is getting to the main menu takes forever. The video company has a staggeringly long introduction which is a right pain and you can`t skip it. Not very well thought-out people!

To avoid raising your blood pressure before starting the workout perhaps you could brush your teeth (and probably floss, it really is that long).Once you are past that the exercises are well set out. The movements are achievable for the beginner but I would recommend a class once as a more enjoyable and chi- enhancing experience.

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