Review of Sphere

7 / 10


Sphere is an anamorphic 2.35:1 transfer. As expected picture quality is high throughout, particularly the many underwater scenes that always appear bright and well lit, with very little perceivable grain. Again for a typical big budget blockbuster like this (although it`s box office returns was disappointing) to have a bad DVD transfer would be inexcusable. Contrast is high and colour depth is good.

This is generally a highly visual film, with lots of special effects for the fans to drool over. There are many action sequences and generally the film is fast moving. The film is split over a large 43 chapters, so navigation should not be a problem.

As this is a Warner disc, I was fully expecting to see the much publicised Warner `screen flash` randomly throughout the film. Thankfully I noticed none of these, and this is the only Warner disc I have that does not have this glitch!


A nice 5.1 soundtrack is provided as you would expect. It brings across the claustrophobic atmosphere of the underwater research vessel to life with all the creaks and groans associated with being deep under the sea. The atmosphere is not quite `Das Boot` standard, but is nevertheless well thought out and the soundstage is well balanced.

The subwoofer is often driven hard during most of the action sequences, but also adds depth to the groans and underwater sounds that are heard. The rear channels are very effective in reproducing the drips, gurgles and breathing of the cast when in their diving equipment, again reinforcing the close atmosphere.


The menus are static, and allow access to a `making of` type documentary, a full length commentary, some production notes, a trailer and some TV spots for the film.

Not bad - commentaries are always welcome.


This film did not really do stunningly well. It could loosely be described as another special effects movie which is covering up a weak plot. This was the second time I had seen it, and I enjoyed it more this time. It may be a film that you need to see more than once to appreciate, but sadly some people may not have the patience!

The video and audio cannot be faulted, and a nice clutch of extras are there. So really this is a DVD to buy if you have seen and liked the film. If not, it may be better to try to see it before splashing out those hard earned readies.

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