Review of Read Or Die: Vol. 1

8 / 10


So here`s yet more Japanese anime flooding our market in an effort to cash-in on our seemingly insatiable desire for the genre.

According to the audio-commentary that graces episode 1 (should you elect to listen to it), ROD, the TV Series, is a follow up to the Read or Die OVA`s, and sits somewhere between the continuing mangas, `Read or Die` and `Read or Dream`, hence the non-committal `ROD` of the title.

I hadn`t seen the recent OVA releases of this very fine series, but thoroughly enjoyed these first (four not five as listed) episodes contained on this first volume disc.

Despite ROD creator`s Hideyuki Kurata`s claim that the inspiration for `ROD` came directly from the first `Charlie`s Angels` movie, I`d posit that this is an infinitely richer piece than that; an action series based pretty much around an obsessive love of books, libraries and reading.

The series kicks off with book-ish bespeccled author Nenene Sumiregawa (from the Read Or Die manga and pronounced Neh-neh-heh) visiting Hong Kong. But there`s danger in the air at a book signing when a frustrated and crazed writer tries to blow up her up. Fortunately, by her agent has hired three sisters to serve as bodyguards. Despite being huge book fans in their own right (who are generally thrilled to be associated with Nenene), they are also `Paper Masters` which means that they can shape paper into anything - from weapons, to flying birds, to ferocious animals. Naturally, they save the day.

The three so-called paper sisters, Anita, Maggie and Michelle, are all very different from each other.

Before long they move into Nicene`s Tokyo apartment, and quickly irritate the hell out of her. It doesn`t help that she is suffering from writer`s block and she is also pre-occupied with the spooky disappearance of her best friend, Domino Reedman (a hangover plot from the original 3-part OVA`s).

The wild paper action here is very occasional and limited pretty much the first of the four episodes. But the time remaining is used well to develop the characters and relationships. This is all nicely done and the persistent light humour makes it seem to move along at a pace.

The animation itself is simple (in common with much of the genre) though is frequently highly imaginative. For example, the aeroplane rescue with a giant paper phoenix in episode 1 uses many interesting angles and possibilities.

I also liked the subtleties of attitudinal movement, like a foot swinging into the foreground momentarily when one of the young girls is lying on bed reading. A throwaway detail, though one that adds to the richness of the programme.

Episode One: The papers have landed - pretty much described above; this episode introduces all the key characters as well as some pretty far-fetched paper action!

Episode Two: Rise up, Oh Dregs of Humanity - This episode is great! Absolutely nothing happens (much) as the three sisters hang around Nenene`s apartment, irritating the hell out of her and making no useful contributions to her writing difficulties. But it`s full of character building humour and gentle yet detailed human observation. Great!

Episode Three: Let`s meet in Jinbo-cho -The paper sisters go along with Nenene to her publishing office, in Japan`s book district, Jinbo-cho. Of course Maggie and Michelle soon become completely distracted by all the books on offer - leaving little Anita (who hates books and says so often) to protect her. There are also hints of hints that Nenene`s good friend has returned, though this remains unresolved beyond the episodes included on this disc.

Episode Four: The Seventh Grade Course - Anita is forced by Nenene into starting at the local school, though this means using forged documents produced by her older sister Michelle.


This is a first-class transfer that shows the animation off in its finest light. Crisp, clear graphics set against some really nice urban back-drops are presented here in all their digital glory. Very good.


2.0 Dolby Japanese Audio and 5.1 Dolby Digital English and Japanese Audio. It`s brilliantly put together (on the English version in any case) with great voice-choices and with really smart audio post. The score is great, and helps evoke a quirky charm for the series, and the spot sound effects are very clear and work well here to paint a very believable atmos.


Not bad for an anime release.

First, there`s an audio commentary on episode 1 by Kevin Chu (US version producer), Jonathan Klein (producer of English dub and subtitles) and Talesin Jaffe (English voice director and script adaptor). This is relatively light-hearted affair, though it`s full of fascinating facts too.

Japanese Previews of the first four episodes are also included, as well as trailers for a couple of exciting new releases from Geneon. There`s an excellent picture gallery that occasionally includes commentary, which deals with why certain artistic decisions were made.


`ROD - the TV`, is another of those unique anime`s that come along from time to time that are full of great characters, good humour, and a strangely compelling atmosphere all of their own.

The artwork is fresh, the music score perfect, and it`s a lot of fun.

Of course, there`s no doubt that you`ll need a huge suspension of disbelief to go with the `paper` ideas (which are highly imaginative but clearly preposterous) and despite the almost inane narrative (very little actually happens) there is no doubt that by the end of episode four, you`ll be thirsting for future episodes. And with some 26 episodes to the series, that means a fair layout if you join in with the idea of buying a disc of four episodes at a time.

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