Starsky & Hutch (US)

7 / 10
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Here Comes The Fuzz!
Certificate: PG-13
Running Time: 100 mins
Retail Price: $27.95
Release Date:

Starsky takes the wheel, Hutch rides shotgun and comedy runs wild in this hilarious twist on the landmark buddy-cop TV show.

Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson bring a playful chemistry to the roles of undercover detectives Starsky and Hutch. Todd Phillips (Old School, Road Trip) directs this `70s groove in which our guys are stripped of their badges, duped by a drug kingpin (Vince Vaughn) and totally ripped off in a disco contest. So, yeah, they got some scores to settle. Snoop Dogg is in fly funkadelic mode as urban coolster Huggy Bear. And Juliette Lewis and others make for nonstop fun. If inducing laughter is a crime, they`re all guilty as charged!

Special Features:
Gag Reel
Deleted Scenes
Fashion Fa Shizzle Wit Huggy Bizzle (Fashion Insights With Snoop Dogg)
Last LookMaking-Of Mockumentary
Commentary By Director/Co-Writer Todd Phillips
Theatrical Trailer

Video Tracks:
Widescreen Anamorphic 1.85:1

Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital 5.1 English
Dolby Digital 5.1 French

Subtitle Tracks:

Directed By:
Todd Phillips

Vince Vaughn
Fred Williamson
Snoop Dogg
Owen Wilson
Ben Stiller

Warner Bros

Your Opinions and Comments

7 / 10
A cute (yet rather senseless) comedy about the famous duo - Starsky and Hutch.
Both Stiller and Wilson give good performances, but the main event is no other than Snoop Dogg himself.
The script is mostly funny and the cast does a good job in making it sound even funnier.
The video transfer is very good. There are no compression signs to be seen and the colors are nicely saturated.
The DD 5.1 soundtrack is good. The surrounds are used, especially during the chase scenes and create a good sound envelope.
The menus are animated with sound.
The extras include a commentary by the director, a behind the scenes featurette, 6 deleted scenes and a gag reel.
Bottom line - once you decide not to take this movie too seriously, it sure can be enjoyable.
posted by Zvi Josef on 10/4/2005 22:00