Review of Dans Ma Peau

2 / 10


Dans Ma Peau (In My Skin), was written, directed and starred in by Marina De Van. She plays a young professional named Esther who suffers a cut leg at a party. The cut doesn`t really hurt her, despite the fact that it should, and she becomes fascinated by this. She then becomes obsessed with the wound and her body as a whole, spiralling into ever greater amounts of self harm in order to feel something.

This film doesn`t descend into the potential bloodbath that it could have been though. Instead it focuses on the characters and their reactions to the ever more complicated situation that Esther is putting them in.


A 1.85:1 anamorphic transfer, which mostly reflects the film`s low budget, independent origins. This is not a bright and vibrant Paris that you might have seen on screen before. This is a much darker place, particularly during the scenes of self harm, either in bathrooms or darkened hotel rooms.


A choice of three French soundtracks, rising through DD 2.0 stereo, DD5.1 and dts. Whilst the surround tracks are a welcome addition, the film never really makes any use of the extra channels. Everything seems to happen at the front of the sound stage, with only the odd atmospheric sound or bit of music escaping to the rear channels.


Only one extra of note, a commentary track with star, writer and director Marina De Van. This is in French with English subtitles, and De Van talks at 100mph about everything related to the film. She has a lot to say, but your enjoyment of the track is distinctly related to your enjoyment of the film itself.

Trailers are the only other extra, and there`s apparently a booklet with the retail DVD (not included in the review copy).


A dark and depressing film, and not to my taste at all. The subject is handled in a sensitive enough manner, and the film doesn`t resort to a blood`n`guts slashfest, staying on the side of looking at the characters, but at the end of the day it`s not a subject that I want to see a film about.

And it runs for the whole length of the film, as we don`t really see any other period of Esther`s life. It`s all about cutting herself, getting more depressed and cutting herself some more. And then we get to the end of the film, and just when you think there might be a different note to finish off the film, it just stops abruptly, without resolving anything.

A depressing film on another distinctly average DVD. Can`t really recommend it to anyone.

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