Dreamcatcher (UK)

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Four friends hung a dreamcatcher in their cabin. It`s about to catch something it cannot stop
Certificate: 15
Running Time: 128 mins
Retail Price: £15.99
Release Date:

After four friends perform a heroic act as children and gain psychic powers in return, they reunite every winter in Maine to hunt, drink and celebrate the special bond they share. However, this year`s reunion is ruined when a lost and disoriented hunter stumbles upon their camp mumbling about strange lights in the sky. Soon after, horrific creatures begin to emerge and a heavily armed government operative, led by the psychotic Colonel Curtis (Morgan Freeman), attempts to take over the area. Challenged to stop this alien force, the friends must confront an unparalleled horror while they take part in an all-out battle to rescue the fate of humanity...

Special Features:
`DreamWriter` - an interview with Stephen King. `DreamWeavers` - the visual effects of Dreamcatcher. Lifted scenes and original ending. Trailer.

Video Tracks:
Widescreen Anamorphic 1.78:1

Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital 5.1 English
Dolby Digital 5.1 French

Subtitle Tracks:
CC: English

Directed By:
Lawrence Kasdan

Written By:

Timothy Olyphant
Damian Lewis
Jason Lee
Thomas Jane
Morgan Freeman

Your Opinions and Comments

6 / 10
Stephen King knows how to create suspense and mystery in his novels, I`ll give him that. However, some of the movies based on his novels are - in a word - crap.
I`ve had great expectations of this movie. I was hoping for a supernatural thriller. And until about the end of the first hour - that`s exactly what I got. The movie was eerie, spooky and even frightening at times. But then things started getting pretty bad. Well, that`s putting it mildly. The movie turned into an incoherent piece of crap. As simple as that.
The video transfer is awesome. There are no compression signs to be seen and the picture is crystal clear. The colors are beautifully saturated and the blue color palette simply looks great. The CG graphics is incredible and will blow your mind in most scenes, literally. My favorite CG scene in the movie is the animals` migration. My jaw hit the floor when I saw it.
The DD 5.1 soundtrack is very good. The surrounds are constantly used and do a great job in enhancing the already horrific atmosphere.
The menus are nicely animated with sound.
The extras include a behind the scenes featurette, which includes a detailed explanation about the special effects in the movie and 5 deleted scenes (including the original ending, which looks much better than the ending which was chosen for the movie).
Bottom line - not even the first superb hour, the awesome CG animation and the strong soundtrack can salvage this movie. The script (or perhaps, it`s adaptation) is simply, in a word - crap. Oh yeah, one last thing - what the hell does the dream catcher have to do with the movie???
posted by Zvi Josef on 6/2/2005 19:10